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~Two Weeks Later~


“Have you packed everything you need? It’ll get cold,” I asked Sky as she started lifting up her suitcase.

“Yes Harry, just chill out,” she giggled, holding back her laughter.

“Ha ha, aren’t you a funny one?” I smiled at her teasingly.

“That one was pretty good,” she turned to face me and pushed in a shirt sticking out of my suit case before zipping it up. “Have you packed everything?” she asked raising her eyebrows.

“Yes,” I replied, sounding offended.

“Even our little matching Christmas jumpers?” she scrunched her nose up squeezing my left cheek.

“Yes, they were the first things I packed,” she nodded and turned around to lift her suit case up into the car. She faced me once again, stood up on her tippy toes pecking my lips and walking passed me to the passenger seat. I closed the boot and jogged around the car to the driver’s side and started the car and backing out of her complex’s car park and we were on our way back to the hometown.

“Mum is inviting Lux over and she doesn’t know we are coming, and the last time I saw her, I told her that we weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend, so she may go a little crazy,” I chuckled.

“Aw, I’ve missed her so much,” she pouted her bottom lip.

“She’ll probably ignore me the whole time we’re there.”

“Because I’m cooler,” she sassed.

I lightly laughed at her comment and rested my left hand on her thigh, rubbing small circles with my thumb, she fell asleep shortly after and stayed asleep the whole drive.

“Baby, time to wake up,” I cooed, making her head snap over to me and squint her eyes.

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