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*Harry's POV*

The sound of my phone began to shrill over the top of the laughter in the room, I pulled it out of my back pocket and rolled my eyes but still answered in case it was Sophie's idea of an 'emergency'.

"What's wrong now?" I asked slightly irritated only to have Lou slap my shoulder.

"Harry... I need you to come back to London. I need you at the hospital." The sound of her voice made me stand up and quickly walk outside.

"Why, what's happened?" I asked panicking a little.

"Umm, Sky - What's happened to her?"

"She's gotten news that Tristan isn't going to make it and - And what?" I asked getting impatient and worried.

"She's not acting like herself, she barely talking to anyone, she isn't like crying or anything. Please, come back as soon as you can. I seriously think you're the only one who can get something out of her."

I wasn't sure if Sophie's idea was going to work, but at the end of the day, it's Skylar and I'm willing to do anything. "Alright, I'll text you when I'm at the hospital," I spoke firmly.

"Thank you so much, Harry," her voice soft and meaningful, a tone you barely heard out of Sophie, definitely motivating me to get there as soon as possible. I hung up without another word and ran back inside.

"I need to get back home, Skylar needs me." I jogged up the steps two at a time, packing everything into my bag, throwing it over my shoulder and jogging back down the stairs saying goodbye to everyone.

"You go and save her Harry," my mum smiled kissing my cheek once again, before I nodded firmly and ran to my car, getting in and starting it.

*Sophie's POV*

As soon as Harry had hung up, I crossed my arms nervously, knowing how long the drive is back to London. As much as I hated knowing Harry had to leave his family, I knew that he would at least spark some emotion in her.

I walked into the room, slowly making my way over to Sky. I hesitated before putting my hand on her shoulder, she didn't flinch or move at all, like she completely ignored my comforting gesture. "Sky would you like me to get you something to eat? A snack maybe and a drink?" I asked.

"I'm fine," she mumbled, trying to shrug me off.

I sighed in defeat and nodded, "I'll be right back then," I walked back out of the room and towards the cafeteria, grabbing a few things she could just snack on and drink while she's in here. I jumped when my phone began to ring, I stumbled and pulled it out of my bag.

"Harry?" I answered, confused as to why he's calling me.

"Sophie, I'm just under an hour away."

"What how, it takes a couple of hours to get back?"

"May have included a little speeding, shortcuts and some help but I should be there in a maximum of 45 minutes."

"Okay, just please don't get into an accident," I pleaded.

"I promise Sophie," his voice soft and genuine. "Hey Soph?"


"Have you told her I'm coming?" he asked, his tone of voice sounded scared.

"No. I haven't told her anything, she barely responds to anything I say. She just sit and stares."

"Shit," he mumbled, "Ok, well I should be there as fast as I can."

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