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The crowd clapped and cheered and whistled once again as the newlyweds entered the room and sat down at their own private little table where everyone could see them. The cheers and claps continued for a few seconds after they had sat down.

I turned to face Harry and he was looking down at his hands and playing nervously with her fingers. I put my hand over his and he looked up at me.

"Are you alright?" I asked, lightly smiling.

"Yeah, just nervous for my speech," he quickly answered.

"Harry, you'll do perfect. Just be your normal funny, handsome self," I tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear and he smiled, leaning forward and pecking my lips.

"Thank you," he whispered.

"Anytime," I winked and sat up as the entrees were being served.

Chicken and sweet corn soup, in a small china bowl, while Harry had chosen the chicken and vegetable soup instead.

"Have a try," he held the spoon out before me and I looked him in the eye and sipped the liquid from the spoon. I gave him a try of my soup and he ended up having the rest of it because he liked it so much.

Next was the main meal, Harry and I both got the smoked salmon on mashed potato with a side of garden salad. I almost devoured the whole thing within minutes because it was cooked to perfection.

"Hungry babe?" he chuckled to himself, while taking the last bite of his salmon.

"It was just really good," I defended, "maybe I'll eat all your cheesecake when it comes out," I jokingly threatened.

"You wouldn't," he narrows his eyes at me.

"Oh, I sure would. Only because I know how much you love your cheesecake," I batted my eyelashes at him and he just grinned and shook his head.

"Then I'll eat your secret stash of chocolates in the back of the fridge at my place," he challenged.

"I've eaten all of them anyway," I shrugged, knowing full well there is still chocolate left.


"Before we left your place, I had the rest."

"Sky, you didn't even walk into the kitchen, and I was the last one out of the house," he smirked.

"OK fine. There's still some left, you got me."

"Also I kind of stole one when you were in the car waiting."

"So you were eating something you cheeky bastard," I giggled, lightly slapping his chest and he winced lightly, "Oh, shit are you ok, I didn't hit you that hard."

"Uh, no umm, it's ok. I was just pretending."

"No you weren't."

"Babe, I'm fine really."

"It's the same spot I rested my head on before you had to go and pack," I sat there with a worried expression.

"Sky, I'm fine," he held my hand in his, stopping me from investigating his chest. I chose to drop the subject and bring it up later so were are in the privacy of our own hotel room. "Don't be mad at me," he says above a whisper.

"I just want to know if there is something wrong with your chest if you keep tensing or wincing when I touch it," I explained to him.

"I promise you I'm fine, I'll let you check out my hot body later," he winked, lifting my mood instantly. I kept a fake frown on my face.

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