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Sophie dropped me back home after successfully finding a dress for her engagement party. I was greeted at my door by non-other than Tristan himself.

“Ah, there you are,” his warm smile shone brightly and he pulled me into a strong one armed hug.

“I haven’t kept you waiting too long have I?” I asked, hugging him back tightly.

“No, I only just got here and lit up my smoke,” he gestured to the hand that was holding the cigarette, flicking it over the balcony, while his other still remained tightly around me.

“Good,” I sighed in response.

“So what’s this?” he asked, trying to look in the bag.

“Sophie and Niall got engaged last night, so I had to get a dress for their engagement party. Which I have to ask, would you like to come with me?” I grinned chewing on the inside of my bottom lip, hoping he would say yes.

“Sure, and if your ex is going to be there I shall keep you nice and safe,” he rubbed my arm and we both walked towards my front door.

“I promised Sophie I would talk to him,” I unlocked my door and walked in, followed by Tristan.

“Talk to him?” he asked in utter confusion. “I know you and you would not want to talk about something like that at your best friend’s engagement party.”

“She wants me to arrange a time to talk to him,” I explained. “Because she said everyone is sick of tip toeing around us.” I walked down the hall to my room, leaving the bag on my bed and turning around to see Tristan leaning against my door frame with his arms crossed.

“About what happened?” I shrugged and nodded.

“I don’t know, I guess whatever comes up, Tristan.”

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