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I would like to thank everyone for reading and supporting this story once again, but the story of Harry and Skylar are not yet over. Go on over to my profile to add the 3rd and final instalment You & I updates should be published soon because I really want to get the first chapter done because it's so exciting.

But again, I wouldn't have gotten this far without any of you beautiful people commenting, voting and supporting this story so far. You have truly made my day with all your hilarious comments and observations throughout this journey, and hopefully there are many more to come. And a massive thank you to everyone who has personally messaged me or even gone our of their way to follow me on all my social media and even taken time to get to know me.

I want you to give yourselves a pat on the back because it is you amazing, wonder, beautiful and phenomenal people who have kept this story alive and have kept me writing all this time. I love you all so much, that no amount of words would ever decribe how much.

Lots of love,

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