Twenty Eight.

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As we entered the floor of Tristan's room Sky stopped me and stood in front of me with a big smile on her face, "I'm going to tell him."

"I was going to let you tell him, but I think I might have to join in and add a few things," I chuckled.

"No, not about that. I'm going to tell him about us."

I was stunned and excited all in one, "I think he'll like that," I took her hand in mine and continued to walk towards his room. Sky stopped again when a doctor and two nurses were around Tristan. She rushed in asking what was wrong, only to realise Tristan was awake.

"Could you give us a minute?" Tristan asked the doctor who gave him a nod and walked out of the room, followed by the two nurses. "Sky, come here," he pat the spot next to him and she quickly walked over and sat down. "Harry, mate," he pat the other side and I chose to sit on the chair and pull it close.

"Tristan, you're scaring me."

"I uh, think it isn't a secret that I haven't got long to live, a month if that... and I've been talking to the doctors about possibly..." he trailed off, looking down unsure if he wants to tell Sky.

"What?" she asked impatiently.

"I've been talking to the doctors to see if they can possibly pull the plug early."

The both of us were left speechless but I understood why he would want to, he's sick and doesn't want to go through the pain any longer.

"Please tell me that they said no," she stood up with tears clearly building up.

"Next Wednesday they're putting me to sleep-"

Skylar stormed off and I jumped up to go after her but she stopped, "Don't," she shook her head and walked off again. As much as I wanted to comfort her, I knew she needed a few minutes to cool off.

"I'm so sorry you had to find out this way," Tristan's small voice apologised.

"It's understandable, mate, I know why you'd want to," I turned back to face him and sat back down in the chair.

"I can't keep watching her come in so happy, for it to be ripped away from her. It isn't fair." I looked at him sympathetically.

"We came today to tell you that we're together and that she kicked Alana's arse today, literally," I tried lightening the mood.

"Aw, congratulations man, and good on Sky."

It went quiet for a few minutes before Tristan spoke up again.

"I know you'll look after her, but when I'm gone... keep her happy, I don't want her grieving over me in a sad way."

"I promise," I nodded. "And, I just want to thank you for looking after her when I fucked up."

"No worries."

We sat in silence waiting for Sky to come back, but after 5 minutes had passed I began to worry, "I might go and look for her actually-"

"No need," she stayed at the door. I stood up and wrapped my arms around her holding her close to my chest.

"Come on you've had a long day, I'll take you home and run you a bath."

"But we just got here."

"I promise I'll pick you up and bring you back tomorrow."

She sighed and nodded before I let her go and say her goodbyes to Tristan. "I'll see you tomorrow," he smiled while giving her a hug.

"You will," she lightly smiled and stood back next to me as I gave him a soft hand shake.

"See you mate."

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