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“Luke?” I asked half pleased, half shocked. “Aren’t you meant to be on tour?”

“Yeah well, we have a few weeks break before we travel North America, so the lads brought us here for the night, and nice hair by the way,” his dimples showing with his wide smile.

“Thank you. Wait, as in – Yeah those lads… we uh, heard about what happened between Harry and you,” I pursed my lips and nodded slightly.

“Oh Luke, this is Tristan, Tristan this is Luke from 5 Seconds of Summer.”

“Nice to meet you mate,” Luke and Tristan shook hands.

“No, it’s a dream to be meeting you, I’m a bit of a fan of you guys,” Tristan chuckled.

“We’re free tomorrow if you would like to meet all of us?” Tristan looked between myself and Luke as if he were star struck. I nodded at him and he then nodded to Luke. “Maybe I could get your new number?” Luke asked.

I was a little hesitant at first but then nodded, “Please. Just don’t let Harry see,” I spoke into his ear over the music.

“No worries Sky, I’ll put you under ‘Blondie’ and just say it was the hot chick at the bar last night,” he chuckled.

“Is he here too?” I asked a little worried he might see me.

“Well, yeah but – We have to go Tristan,” I grabbed his arm but he grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him.

“Sky, it’s alright,” he cooed cupping my cheek and I nodded softly.

“I just can’t see him right now,” Tristan pulled me into a protective hug and rubbed my back, kissing my left temple.

“Ok we’ll go,” he whispered in my ear, he let me go and I turned around to face Luke.

“We’ll see you tomorrow Luke,” I pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek.

“Okay, I’ll make sure no one’s drunk mouth blabs off in front of Harry,” I nodded and weakly grinned.

“Thank you,” I barely whispered but still earned a big hug from Luke, then Tristan and I walked off towards the exit. I turned around briefly and looked at where Luke was heading, I scanned the private area and locked eyes with dark green ones, he stood up immediately and began making his way through the crowd towards us.

“Tristan hurry up,” I rushed and we walked out of the club and go into the first free cab we saw. Once the address was given to the driver he drove off and I turned around just in time to see Harry bursting out the door we exited from.

I turned back and looked down at my shaking hands, Tristan put his hand over my smaller ones and rubbed his thumb over the both of them. I looked at him briefly and he pulled me into his side, kissing my left temple and rubbing my back to calm me down.

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