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I stood up from my chair as soon as the door opened, revealing doctor Jefferson. I rushed over and stood before him anxiously, he had mixed expressions on his face making it hard to decipher if there was good or bad news.

“Miss, I’m sure you’ve been informed that Mr Hunt is being moved into a new ward. He began recovering last night and could wake up within the next hour since the anaesthetics that was injected last night should wear off,” he explained with a small smile and I nodded.

“So, may I go in and see him?”    

“Of course, but first I need you to fill out some forms as I have heard that he is no longer in contact with his family.”

“W-well, his dad is still alive and he has his home number.”

The doctor seemed a little unsure before nodded and smiling, “We’ll wait until Mr Hunt wakes up and confirm everything then, but I still will need to put you down as an emergency contact in the new ward so if anything happens you’ll be the first to know,” he explains walking toward an elevator and pressing the button.

We both walked in as soon as the doors opened, he pressed the second floor and the doors shut soon after.

“What is going to happen to Tristan?” I asked.

It was silent before Doctor Jefferson spoke, “the damage to his lungs has slightly improved but that’s only because of the medicine we gave him and the oxygen mask… thankfully he only needs the smaller oxygen mask for now, but… there may be times where his lungs may falter and need the stronger oxygen… Like I said before Miss Thompson, due to Mr Hunt’s excessive smoking, he does have a slim chance of survival that we hope we can get passed.”

I nodded in understanding before looking down at my fingers, nervously picking at my nails hoping that Tristan will be able to make it. My head shot up as soon as we reached the floor and the doors opened, I followed Doctor Jefferson out of the elevator and to the front desk. He leaned over the counter, grabbing a clip board and pen, handing it to me. “Just sign this form out and I’ll come back and call you in when everything is set with Mr Hunt.”

I walked over to a chair and sat down, quickly skimming over the form before filling it out and handing it back to the front desk. I sat for a good 10 minutes before the doctor came out with a small smile on his face, “Miss Thompson, he’s stirring a little but still asleep, but you’re welcome to come in now,” I shot up from the seat and followed the doctor. Well, he kind of had to catch up with me.

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