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*Harry’s POV*


She stayed clung to me like a helpless child as she sobbed into my shoulder. I hushed her quietly while letting my fingers trail softly up and down her back to calm her down. I turned my head and kissed her cheek and her temple.

“Thank you,” she whispered so quietly I thought I was mistaking a sob.

“For what, baby,” I asked softly, knowing one small yet powerful word could change her unpredictable mood.

“Being here. With me,” her grip tightened slightly and her little fists took in more of my shirt.

“I’ll always be here with you,” I whispered back, holding her closer as well.

The room was filled with silence besides the occasional sniff. Skylar lifted her head up and loosened her grip from behind my neck, I let her down but kept her in my hold, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and resting my head on top of hers.

“How long have you been here?” I asked.

“Since yesterday morning.”

“Have you gotten any sleep?” she shook her head. “Sky, you need to get some sleep. I’ll take you back to my place, cook you dinner and you can sleep as long as you want and I’ll drop you back home tomorrow.”

“Harry I don’t th- I’m taking you back to my place, I’m not leaving you in your apartment by yourself. I’ll call your work tomorrow to tell them you won’t be in so you can sleep.”

She stayed quiet knowing that arguing with me will just be pointless. “You’re not going through this alone anymore,” I whispered to her, “I’m here and I’m here to stay,” I reminded her. She nodded and sniffed again, starting up a new wave of tears.

“I’m sorry for everything, Harry,” her voice was quiet but above a whisper. I unwound my arms and cupped her cheeks, wiping away her tears staining her pale cheeks. I looked into her tired eyes, red and puffy from crying mixed with sleep deprivation. I barely smiled and shook my head before crashing my lips onto hers.

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