I open my eyes slightly to a loud bang and when I hear it again, my eyes go wide.
"Miles?" I question into the darkness. He's standing by the door as the music downstairs gets quieter.
"We have to go right now." He says rushingly. He's wearing pitch black and after he slips on his shoes, there's no room for color.
I stand up and tug at Miles's shirt even though I have nothing to tug it over except for my black leggings.
"What's going on?" I shake my head as I hear muffled voices downstairs.
"Cops." He breathes, his eyes looking into mine. For a second they're serious but then they quickly turn soft.
"It's nothing to worry about, Jacob probably whined a little too much."
"Let's go." He says, grabbing my hand and leading me out the door with him. We walk towards the balcony before descending down the outside stairs, leading from the pool and then to the front yard.
"I punched Jacob a little too hard, but it's nothing to worry about, okay?" He admits, looking at me and I nod
"Okay," I say before we both run towards his black Lamborghini and he quickly reverses out of the gravel parking lot and onto the main road, his dark eyes looking between the windshield and the back window of the car.
"What happened?" I finally ask as he speeds through the main road.
"I dislocated his jaw." Miles breathes.
"You didn't have to hurt him like that," I say a little dissappointed at the harshness, and seeing his bruised fists doesn't make me feel any better.
"He saw you in your underwear," Miles explains and my eyes go wide for just a split second as I remember Jacob standing right outside my door as I quickly put on my dress.
He must have looked through the keyhole.
"But he didn't deserve to get his jaw dislocated." I point out.
"Didn't he though?" He looks at me with his 'Miles' smile and I roll my eyes.
"I need to see him," I say, looking at Miles's clenched jaw as he stares out the windshield.
"Fine." He swallows the clearly difficult word before speeding up through the green lights. I tug lightly at Miles's t-shirt that is almost knee-length on me, his cologne comforts me as the fabric rests on my body.
"Is it here?" I ask as Miles comes to a halt in front of the hospital I was in.
"Yeah." Miles nods before we get out of his car I still feel a little tipsy but walking through the col air somehow comforts me and gets rid of the uncertainty that lingers in my body.
I push loose strands away from my hair as we enter the building, getting looks from some of the patients sitting in the waiting room, hoping to get assistance as soon as possible.
Some are holding onto their wounded arm, leg and some are just staring with no obvious wound.
"Can I help you?" A woman at the front desk asks with a bright smile. She looks to be in her forties and disapproving of Miles's knuckles.
"We're here to see Jacob--Jacob Wilson," I say to her and she nods.
"Please take a seat, it'll only be a few minutes." She suggests and I nod at her while Miles rolls his eyes, clearly offending the woman.
I scan the area for empty seats but the only empty seats I see are next to a man who won't take his eyes off me and the other seat is next to a woman talking to herself.
I gulp but let my feet slowly take me toward the seats.
"Oh, fuck no," Miles says, taking my hand and leading me down the hospital hall.
"There's no fucking way I'm sitting next to a crazy lady and her fucked up husband," Miles says and I can't help but let a giggle escape my mouth.
I bite at my lip to stop the giggle as we run through the short hall, somehow unnoticed. We stop in front of a green door with the name 'Jacob Wilson.'
"Maybe he's sleeping," I whisper while looking up at Miles who rolls his eyes.
"Then now is the perfect time to wake the fuck up." He says before walking in.
"Jacob." I cover my mouth at the sight of his bruised jaw and white bandages all over his face.
"M . . . Madison." He stammers, barely able to speak.
"Did you call the fucking cops on me?" Miles asks harshly, squinting his eyes.
"The hospital knew I didn't do this to myself," Jacob replies quietly and Miles ignores him.
"I'm so sorry." I breathe to Jacob before sitting down on the bed next to him and Miles sits down at a chair beside the door.
"Can I have a second . . . with just us in the room?" Jacob asks and I nod.
"Un-fucking-believable." Miles stands up from the chair, his hands in the air before he slaps them by his sides and exits the room.
"How long does— your jaw—" no words seem to be able to form.
"Five weeks, give or take. The doctor said that the hit wasn't as bad as it could have been, I got lucky." Jacob scoffs and I giggle.
"Madison," Jacob says, his blue eyes searching mine. I search his face, waiting for him to speak again.
"After all of this . . . Miles lying to you—do you still want to stay with him?" Jacob says and I shake my head.
"Of course I do . . . I—"
"Even after everything?" Jacob questions.
"Jacob . . . you lied to me too, about the ring, the game . . . everything. I know Miles shouldn't have hurt you for spying on me but you're no better than him." I say, looking down at the white sheets.
"You know, Madison. The last thing I expected was for you to be one of the girls Miles has managed to wrap around his finger, falling for everything that comes out of his mouth." Jacob says and I'm surprised at his words.
"Can we go now?" Miles's voice sounds in through the slightly open door but I don't turn around to respond.
"Yeah, we um . . . we should," I say quietly before standing up slowly.
Jacob doesn't make eye contact with me and instead turns his head to look at the snow outside the window.

The Perfect Storm 2
Teen FictionMadison and Miles continue to be tested while they try to navigate through their rocky relationship. Odds are on their side, bringing them back to one another, closer than ever but as more bombshells continue to drop down on them, their relationship...