Chapter 93

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"Jace." I breathe, wanting to collapse onto the floor. I've hurt the most important people in my life, my mother disagrees with my choices and Jace is heartbroken.

 I rub the tears off my eyes only to realize that now my mascara is smudged. The last thing I want to do is go back into that bathroom where Jace cried too. I look around to make sure no one is there so that I don't need to close the door and fully submerge myself in the hurt. 

I grab a cotton pa just like I did for Jace, but instead of wiping blood from my lips, I wipe the smudged black under my eyes. 

I take a deep breath as I stare at myself in the mirror. My peach dress hangs perfectly on my body and my long dark hair complements the black under my eyes which makes me giggle.

"What's so funny?" I hear Miles's voice, and I stop in my tracks. I can't turn around—I don't want to see him. I hear him giving me a small scoff but my body can't move. He enters the room slowly but I can only look at the mirror in front of me. 

I finally turn around, looking right at him but his eyes won't look into mine even though I crave them to.

"What are you doing here?" Miles clenches his jaw, his eyes on the floor.

"I'm—" I don't know what to say, I'm here to forget about him.

"I'm sorry." He says through his rough voice. Hearing Miles apologize is so foreign.

"W . . . what?" I stammer, unsure if my thoughts have finally taken over reality.

"You heard me." He finally looks into my eyes, the look I've craved for so long even when I didn't know it, I needed it.

"I'm sorry." He repeats this time his jaw clenched. I shake my head, letting tears form iin my eyes.

"You aren't sorry, you never will be. If you were truly sorry . . . you wouldn't have hurt Jace, because hurting him is hurting me too." I admit and his eyes shift back to the floor.

"You're right." He says to my surprise.

"Maybe you should give him a chance, I heard how much he was begging you to be with him, and even though I think he's pathetic, he's right and so are you," Miles says, turning on his heel.

"So it's over? Just like that?" I sob.

"You're not even going to try?" I ask, my voice barely there.

"I love you, Madison and it's because I do that I want you to be with Jace, and I know that deep down, you want it too." He says, letting the words cut through me. 

Hearing him admit his feelings again puts a strain on my heart. I know that deep down we belong together, but I don't want Jace like I want Miles.

"I don't believe you believe that." I let the words flow right out of my mouth.

"Yeah? Well, it doesn't matter, he deserves you more than I ever will." Miles says, still not facing me.

"Then why don't you stop calling me? Why don't you stop looking at me?" I ask and he turns around.

"Because you're still on my mind every fucking second of the day." His jaw clenches and he turns around. 

The second floor behind him is barely lit with the blue lights hanging on the ceiling and the only thing that keeps Miles from becoming a shadow is the low light in the bathroom.

"I really like this dress on you," Miles says suddenly, approaching me slowly.

"I like what's under it too." He says, gazing at the strap of my dress and with it, my shoulder. Goosebumps travel all over me as his eyes look right into mine. 

I feel like I did the first time I saw him, everything about him is intimidating but yet, I'm not scared anymore. 

His hand travels up to hold my cheek as my eyes watch his every feature. He bites his lip slightly and I part mine before he leans in, but before he can lean in close enough, my eyes shift to the door where I spot Rebecca.

"What's wrong?" Miles breathes, his voice is raspy and the sound heavenly. I don't say anything even though Rebecca walks closer.

"What are you doing?" She asks harshly, putting her shoulder on Miles's and forcing him to turn around. Miles breathes heavily and with a barely audible voice says, "You've got to be fucking kidding me."

"What? don't want to see your fuck buddy anymore?" Rebecca shakes her head and I feel my stomach twist and turn.

"Get the hell out Rebecca." Miles clenches his jaw.

"No, it's okay, I'll go," I say and before Miles can stop me, I rush outside the bathroom, I need to find Stephanie anyway and Miles was right, we don't belong together.

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