Chapter 92

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As I watch Miles punch Jace I frantically look around the room for anyone to help, but everyone is either dancing without a clue or too drunk to understand what's going on. 

Before I can try to push Miles off Jace again, Stephanie rushes toward me and when she sees that Miles is punching Jace she rips him off Jace harder than I ever could.

"Jace, I'm so sorry." I cry and quickly sit down by his side.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Stephanie practically screams at Miles as the two stand there in front of us. 

I look and Miles tears streaming down my face as I shake my head in disbelief. It's one thing to break my heart, but hurting Jace is never okay. I look at Jace whose lip is bleeding and cheek is bruised.

"You're a jerk!" I scream at Miles whose jaw is clenched.

"I know." He simply says before grabbing a red cup off the counter and leaving.

"Oh, Jace, I'm so sorry." I breathe as his head rests on my shoulder. Stephanie rushes towards the fridge before bringing me an ice pack that I place carefully on Jace's right cheek.

"Than you." He says, his voice raspy, something I haven't heard often. I've always looked at Jace like a friend. 

He was always there, the boy with faded freckles, gray eyes that sometimes tricked me into looking green, light-brown eyebrows, and messy brown hair. 

That's what Jace always was, he was a friend, I never noticed how deep his voice got when we turned older or how his body changed, how he started to look at me differently—I didn't notice any of it, even though deep down, I've always known how he felt. It's always s been there, the way out eyes met in an unfamiliar way that day when he dropped me off at the train station, I started noticing the changes in him but I chose to ignore them and now, the boy that has kept his feelings hidden is finally expressing them when I can't hear anything else but 'Miles' in my head.

"I'll help you clean off your lip," I say with a smile to Jace who smiles back even with his cut lip.

I stand up slowly with Jace by my side. He holds onto me as we walk slowly up the long wooden stairs. The bathroom is a dark blue color and the floor is a white marble. We step onto the slippery floor before sitting down at the edge of the bathtub that surprisingly is spacious enough for the both of us to be on. 

Candles are lined at the other end and towels are placed perfectly in the open cabinet under the sink. There are no curtains which surprises me since the large windows could easily be a gawking place for someone. 

 I quickly grab a few cotton pads in the glass containers by the sink before rushing back to Jace's side. As I wipe his lips he parts them.

"This bathroom must cost more than my parents paid for their entire home," Jace says and I let out a small chuckle. He isn't wrong, but Miles having all of this money is only because of the girls he broke and the lives he ruined.

"I know." I breathe as I wipe the lips that kissed me less than an hour ago.

"Did he hurt you anywhere else?" I ask and Jace lifts his shirt up to reveal a harsh red mark on his rib cage. His lightly chiseled stomach is something I'm still not used to.

"Jace, earlier . . . when we went to the clothing store." I look down the marble floor.

"You told a girl that you had a girlfriend, and it's okay that you didn't tell me, I—"

"It's you," he admits and I look up at him, confusion spreading over me.

"But, I—"

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have just made that decision without you." He chuckles and I look right at his gray eyes.

"It was wrong of me, but I . . . when you told me that Miles wasn't in your life anymore, I couldn't help myself, and I'm sorry for being so frantic, but—"

"I can't, Jace." I breathe, my chest barely containing all the hurt I'm unleashing on him.

"I shouldn't have tried to make him jealous, but, Madison—"

"I don't want to end up breaking us . . . we've been best friends for so long, and one day maybe I'll finally stop bleeding inside but now, I can't move on," I admit, no matter how much it's hurting either of us. 

Now I know what lies can do and I never want to lie again, not to Jace, and not about my true feelings. I wish my heart wanted him back.

"But you kissed me back." He shakes his head in confusion before standing up.

"I know and I . . . I shouldn't have, it was a mistake." I whisper as I look down at the floor right beneath his feet.

"You're right . . ." He looks at me.

"It was a mistake . . . and so was coming here, I don't belong here." He clenches his jaw, his hands in the pockets of his blue jeans.

"I was mad at you for choosing Miles over me back in Ohio, but I get it now. I'd always choose you even though you wouldn't choose me back. I thought you would if I'd try your new lifestyle of drinking, going to parties—"

"I'm not . . . I don't have a new lifestyle, Jace." I shake my head, frustrated at his words.

"Yes, you do—"

"Jace, I—"

"Miles told me." Jace stops me and my eyes go wide.

"What—" I stop myself, shaking my head.

"You're not saving yourself anymore, you . . . you gave yourself to him," Jace says in an almost whisper.

"At first I thought he was lying but then I saw the way you were whenever he was mentioned, even if you don't want to see him, he's still on your mind." Jace scoffs.

"And I dared to think you'd ever be that way over someone like me, a guy who doesn't have anything to offer you when Miles has all of this." Jace waves his hands around the bathroom.


"No, it's okay, it's not me. . . it never will be me." His voice breaks and my heart shatters. I can't take more pain. I look at Jace for a split second, my lips part but before I can say something, I see Jace's teary eyes.

"Jace, you're crying," I state but he doesn't look at me.

"you've never cried before."

"there was never a reason to." He says, his voice barely audible as his eyes continue to stare at the floor.

"I have to go." He says, turning on his heel and before I can stop him, he's out of the room.

"Jace, please!" I yell, my feet taking me out of the bathroom and to the top of the stairs but as soon as I get there, Jace exits the house.

"I'm too late." I breathe to myself, letting the warm tears blend with my eyes.

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