I close the door behind me slowly, looking through the barely see-through glass to see Jacob. His head is still turned to the window and now the door we left through.
I sigh before turning to Miles whose eyes scan.
He parts his lips but before he can speak my eyes go wide and he looks behind him to see two police officers.
The police officers approached with smiles on their faces, as if they've won the lottery.
"Miles." One of the officers says his name too slowly.
"We finally meet, we've gotten a lot of complaints." One of the officers exaggerates.
I search Miles's face even though his eyes are fixed on the officers in front of him.
"Yeah." His raspy voice lets out and I shake my head.
"Wait, your name is—"
"You've got some charges, buddy." The other officer says again.
"Yo, don't fucking interrupt her." Miles shakes his head but doesn't answer my question. The police officer looks at him as though his blood is boiling and I stand back, trying to keep my confusion from flooding over them.
"We've got too many speeding tickets and now a fight. Time to pay your dues." The other and younger officer says with a white smile.
Miles's dull and almost brown eyes look at the officers. He hands me the key to his Lamborghini and straightens out his arms in front of the officers.
"Okay, cuff me then." He says and one of the officers cuffs his hand as I stand there and watch in horror. I quickly glance at Jacob's door to see his eyes staring right back at me from the bed he's laying in.
"I'll meet you at the station," Miles says.
"Uh what . . . I—" I turn around, having barely heard him but before I can ask him again, the police officers take him away, leaving me with a car key and confusion over Miles's real name.
I SIT DOWN in Miles's car and my eyes go wide at all of the different buttons on the gear on display in front of me. Somehow figuring out how to drive Jacob's Ferrari that night at the cabin was much easier than Miles's Lamborghini. And it doesn't help that the nerves and panic inside of me are stirring together into a mixture.
"Miles Ryder Storm," I whisper to myself, letting my hand rest on the buttons below me.
It doesn't take long before I let out a small scream at the car slowly drifting onto the road. I look around all the different black, gray, and red buttons before finally grabbing the steering wheel and slowly turning it for the car to drive onto the main road.
My foot presses the gas pedal and the car drives off a little too fast for me to be able to control.
The whole way was spent on and off between fast and slow, making a few cars behind me beep until they finally passed me. As my feet take me into the police station.
"You are . . ." The younger police officer greets me.
"Madison," I say with a small smile as I push strands of my brown hair away from my face.
"Your friend is getting searched, it'll just be a couple of minutes, you can have a seat in the waiting room." He says with a smile, staring at me but all I can do is focus on the glass in front of me, hoping to see Miles through there.
"I'm fine here thank you, and he's my boyfriend," I say and he raises a brow.
"You're with . . . with him?" the police officer stammers.
"I am." I look at him.
"You just don't look like the type—"
"But I am, okay?" I snap.
"I'm sorry." I breathe after realizing how harsh my words came out. Having these police officers take Miles away from me and with little explanation has made me feel sick all day and what Jacob said hasn't made me feel any better.
"It's fine, I get it." He says, his hands spread and slightly raised as his brown eyes look into mine.
"Can I offer you coffee or something?" he suggests but I shake my head. I can barely comprehend what is going on and how this whole situation brought us here and I'm being offered coffee as if I'm perfectly sane.
"No thank you, I'm okay," I whisper and he nods before disappearing into a long hallway.
I tug at Miles's shirt which proves to be longer than I expected, letting it reach right above my knees. My eyes are fixed on the small see-through glass in front of me that lets me see a small part of the jail cells aligned next to each other.
All I can do is hope that Miles didn't end up in one of them. After standing there for what feels like twenty minutes, I finally look at the seats next to me, hoping I won't end up in the same situation as in the hospital.
I look around only to see that no one is there and before I know it, my feet slowly drag me to sit down at one of the uncomfortable blue chairs.
Miles's POV
The damn police officer still hasn't told me where the fuck he's leading me and I'm tired of walking around.
"Here." He says after I attempt to walk in the opposite direction, unsure of where the hell the end of this damned place is.
Ever since I gave Madison my car keys I've been concerned about her, wondering if she'll know how to drive the damn thing and hoping she won't get into an accident because of my stupidity.
I clench my jaw as the officer points to the table where supposedly I'm going to get searched. I put my hands on the steel, letting the officers' thick hands run through any possible evidence to make me look even worse.
"What's this?" he asks, his voice harsh as I take a glance at the object in his hand.
The thin chain of Madison's necklace rests in between his thick fingers.
"Leave that the fuck alone," I demand, and for a second, he looks at me, clearly wanting to say something, threaten me even, but he knows he can't.
He's a police officer and we're not on the street.
His lips are slightly parted but they shut instantly, giving me the necklace back. I look at the small pearl and almost want to laugh.
It's funny how this necklace has made me feel safe somehow, knowing that I have something that reminds me of her, changes me somehow.
"You're all good." The officer says and I smirk, patting him on the shoulder harshly before exiting through the disgusting metal door that somehow makes you feel like a prisoner.
"Miles!" Madison stands up to greet me. I give her a smile, seeing my girl after all of this, makes all of my body finally relax from the tense state it was in just minutes ago.
"What happened?" She asks as I take her hand in mine and lead her out of this damn place.
"Nothing," I reply quickly but her wandering eyes tell me that she needs to hear more than that.
"They charged me but I paid it off, it wasn't as severe as it could have been and since I promised not to drive through red lights again or punch people, I'm good."
"Are you going to follow that?" She asks and I know she already knows the answer.
"No." I chuckle.
"Miles." She warns.
"Fine, jeez." I raise my hands and let out a breath as we finally sit down into my Lamborghini. I need to be on her good side and I need to change.
"Where are we going?" she asks and I smile.
"Ohio." I bite at mylip.

The Perfect Storm 2
Novela JuvenilMadison and Miles continue to be tested while they try to navigate through their rocky relationship. Odds are on their side, bringing them back to one another, closer than ever but as more bombshells continue to drop down on them, their relationship...