"I'm so sorry," Stephanie mutters again but I shake my head, again, even though she can't see me or possibly know.
"It's okay," I tell her, still unsure how to feel about her telling Miles about Jace and replacing the ring. I've never tried on my grandmother's ring and so I've never known the size of my finger which is exactly why I don't mind going to the ring store with Jace.
The ring needs to be replaced and I'm the next in line to get proposed to and it doesn't concern Miles, he doesn't have the right to have an opinion on that.
"It isn't, I'm such a terrible friend, Madison." Stephanie beaches and I can feel her pain but I don't want to.
"Stephanie, it's okay, maybe it's good that he knows, that way he'll know I've moved on . . . and that our relationship is over and there's no fixing it," I tell her and I can almost sense the smile growing on the other end.
"You're right. It is good, but is it how you really feel?" She asks and I pause for a second. Not only is Jace asking me this but so is Stephanie and so am I, but my head doesn't have an answer.
"I—" I start with something I'm unsure of but am thankfully saved by a group of girls entering the bathroom.
"I have to go." I finish, thankful that I know what to say for once.
"Oh, okay." Stephanie says before adding a quick, "I'll talk to you later then" before I hang up the phone. A soft song starts to play in the bathroom and I take one last look at myself before leaving but one of the girls stops me.
"Um, hi." She smiles and I smile back as kindly as I can considering what I'm going through.
"I saw you hanging out with Jace. Do you know if he's going to this school?" She asks sweetly and I smile.
"He is." I reply but after seeing the excitement on her face and the way she's now looking at her friends I decide to add, "But he's sweet, he's not like other guys, he's kind and he cares." I state but that only seems to make everything worse.
"Aww, that's even better, don't you think girls?" she asks her friends who nod.
"Well, in that case, knock yourselves out." I smile before pushing the mint door open and leaving. I know Jace can handle his own business just like I kind of can.
"YOU READY TO GO?" Jace asks and I nod, he hands me my sandwich again.
"Sorry, I took a bite, I was really hungry after lifting that dumbbell." He jokes and I laugh genuinely for the first time in two days.
"I'm ready," I tell him even though the nerves in my stomach and he nods before taking my hand with a smile. I give him a genuine smile again, I'm thankful that Jace can bring this side out of me, even now; especially now.
I put on my seatbelt and as soon as I do, Jace starts the car and we're on our way. I hesitantly place the sandwich to my lips, somehow eating food isn't on my top priorities and since it hasn't been, it feels even odd to eat something now, in the middle of heartbreak.
"Are you excited?" Jace jumps, turning around to look at me with the brightest smile but I can only give him a small one which makes his turn smaller slowly.
"I'm sorry, maybe this isn't the best time to be excit—"
"It is . . . and I am . . . I'm excited too," I tell him and his smile appears again.
"Good, cause . . . who knows . . . I don't want to rush you or make you uncomfortable, but this could b something we remember forever, you know if we end up getting married." Jace says and I try to hide my wide eyes with a small smile.
I bite at my lip and my eyes clam down as I stare into another direction. I understand Jace's marriage talk, that's what was supposed to happen, us getting married but now that I've met Miles, I can't see it. Nothing is normal anymore and I can't imagine myself getting married like this, to Jace so soon and so suddenly. It all seemed so normal up until now.
"Your birthday this year, uh, that's when you'll finally turn twenty, that's when—"
"I should be getting married." I finish for him before gulping down the sentence that came out of my horrified self. I don't mind getting married, that thought isn't horrifying, what is horrifying is getting married to someone I can't love beyond friendship.
I always thought our friendship was so simple, so stable, but I realize now that it's ruined, our friendship is completely over, and yet neither of us wants to see it, but as soon as there's conflict with my love for Miles, everything seems to crumble apart in front of us both.
My phone starts to vibrate as I focus my attention outside the window.
Miles's name flashes on the screen in big letters. I press a button on the side of my phone and the vibrating stops even though the call is still very much active, pulling at my heart.
"Can I, um, have—borrow these?" I ask Jace, stumbling over every other word from the mere thought of Miles now calling me.
"Sure." He smiles, handing me the thin headphones himself. I smile at him before sticking them into my ear, leaning against the seat and looking out the window, away from Jace. I press the green button.
"Madison?" Miles questions quietly into the receiver as if the last thing he expected was for me to answer. I don't answer, I can't, the last thing I need is for Jace to know that I'm on a phone call with Miles. I hear his breathing, his loud and suffocating breathing, and then a scoff.
"I don't know if you're listening but I—" He stops as if to gather himself. I hear that heavy breathing again and I can only listen.
"Please, don't, Madison." He says, his voice raspy and tired as if he's been crying.
"Please, I can't . . . I can't see you with him, I--" He stops again, breaking my heart slowly.
"I can't." He says and with that, he stops and I hear nothing but heavy breathing over and over again.

The Perfect Storm 2
Teen FictionMadison and Miles continue to be tested while they try to navigate through their rocky relationship. Odds are on their side, bringing them back to one another, closer than ever but as more bombshells continue to drop down on them, their relationship...