Hey guys!! I figured it would be really cool to write Miles's POV for fun on this, let me know what you think, this is actually the last chapter in TPS1 but I somehow felt it belonged more on TPS2)
Chapter eighty-five (TPS1-2)
Miles's POV
"If you won't tell her, I will," I threaten Jacob who's a scared son of a bitch next to me. He shouldn't care about some fucking girl; this was all a fucking joke.
"What . . . what do you mean? Tell me what?" Madison's voice is trembly and I can tell she's staring at me but I only barely glance at her frightened face.
"You were a competition and I'm sorry." Jacob finally spills, his voice sounding as if it just broke in half and he immediately darts to look at his feet instead of facing her.
"I'm so sorry Madison, you don't deserve this." Jacob doesn't look at her this time either and I know I want to cut in. Why the fuck does he care so much? We weren't supposed to care, that was the whole fucking point.
"Oh, come on Jacob! Don't be such a little bitch, you've been waiting for this. We've both fucked ninety-nine girls and you were the hundredth and the last one . . . isn't that right Jacob?" I smirk at Jacob, trying to lighten up the bitch's mood before swinging the bottle of whiskey up to take a sip, letting the unwanted feelings submerge into me and back to where the fuck they came from.
I know she's staring at me, I feel it and the fact that she's still confused is ridiculous.
My eyes dart to hers but she barely notices, and then they dart to the whiteboards and hers follow.
Her eyes study the five deadly words that have caused my life to spiral upside fucking down and for Jacob to completely melt into stupidity and sensitivity: 'water', 'make out', 'gift', 'fuck' and 'chicken.'
"That's everything we—" She finally realizes, and I can't help but let a smirk cover my face.
"That's what it took to win you and shit I'm glad it's finally over, all that trouble wasn't worth it," I say and her eyes dart to mine, wide as ever. But it's true, my words are true, all the trouble wasn't worth just to fall in love with her, it ruined me and it will continue to ruin me.
"So you . . . you won?" Her voice is trembling. God damnit. Why does she have to be like this always?
"Of course I won, I'm the king, aren't I? I bet you've heard that before." I spill and I feel something sting my whole body. I know I shouldn't be saying this to her, I don't feel the need or want to say this to her, but something in me can't let go of who I was, I don't want to let go, I don't get whipped by some fucking innocent nun.
She slowly backs away, her feet taking her further and further away from me and making me feel worse than I thought I could. I shouldn't have said any of this.
I should have fucking apologized to her, this wasn't worth it; none of it was.
"I hate you." She says and manages to hide how caught off guard I am; I manage to hide the fact that those words have hurt me the most of everything in my life.
"Really? Because I . . . I love you." I feel myself stammering the words even though I'm not sure I did stammer. I don't care if Jacob is in the room too, I love her and I'll be glad to say it to her even though she'll never believe me after everything I've done.
She shakes her head and I know it's true; she doesn't believe the words they're just another lie to her. Tears stream down her face and all of a sudden, she's gone; disappeared from the very room as if never even here. No, I can't let her go, I just fucking can't not like this.
I run after her but she's already outside and much further than I am.
The darkness and cold absorb both of us and it's as if I'm chasing her in empty space, never coming quite close enough to actually grab a hold of the only girl I've ever loved.
She looks back at me, her face more hurt than ever and for some reason, it makes me lose my speed; I can't run as fast anymore.
"Madison!" I call, managing to come closer and closer to her as she's almost stopped in her tracks. She comes to a halt and I hope I can manage to chase after her, grab her into my arms and never ever let anyone hurt her again; not even me.
A car stops right in front of her, loud noise and screeching tired. I stop in my tracks, realizing that it's Hayden.
Madison looks back at me as if debating which cave is worse to enter and then her eyes go back to Hayden's and I know that I've hurt her beyond words because she would rather choose him than me.

The Perfect Storm 2
Teen FictionMadison and Miles continue to be tested while they try to navigate through their rocky relationship. Odds are on their side, bringing them back to one another, closer than ever but as more bombshells continue to drop down on them, their relationship...