Giving Miles a chance is something I thought I wouldn't do again. I've debated in my head whether a second chance is worth it, and after more thinking, than I thought possible, I've finally come to a conclusion.
I'm still a little unsure with Miles promising to change because it isn't that easy but the look on his face made me re-think everything. Maybe Miles turning his life around is possible.
"How is your nose feeling?" Stephanie asks, placing her handbag on her bed. I'm still not used to being on the right side of the dorm.
"It's better," I say, remembering the night I had. Having to wake up constantly to make sure my nose wasn't bleeding made me get almost no sleep.
"I got us some coffee," Stephanie says, handing me a small cup of black coffee. I thank her with a smile even though I'm not sure If I like the harsh bitter taste.
"Are you leaving for Christmas?" Stephanie asks, her eyes staring into mine.
"No, I think I'm going to stay here." I muster a smile even though I want to internally cry over how Jace left.
"Oh, are you sure? You can come with me to my parent's house if you'd like?"
"Thank you but I'm okay, I like the dorms." I lie. I don't want to intrude and maybe some space for myself won't be too bad and I don't know where I stand with Miles, leaving the dorms might be the end of everything.
"Okay, but don't hesitate to call me if you change your mind," Stephanie says, grabbing a large bag from under her bed.
"Are you leaving so soon?" I ask confused.
"Yeah, my mom wants to spend as much time with me as she can, that, and of course she wants to show me off to my new step-dad," Stephanie explains and I give her a small smile.
"Well in that case you better go." I stand up and Stephanie extends her hands for a hug.
"I know we just met but Madison, you're the sweetest person I've met and you don't deserve to be treated the way Miles is treating you," Stephanie says into my hair before detaching herself from me.
"I know." I breathe.
"I thought he had changed but then he . . . he told me what happened. He hasn't changed, he's still the same lost boy I knew in high school." Stephanie breathes and I can see the hurt in her eyes. I smile at her, thankful that she's not like Chrissy. She smiles back and Ii nod at her, letting her know that I understand.
"I better go." She says and I try to keep the tears from busting at the thought of what Miles really did. Even though I have forgiven him, the memory will always haunt me.
"I hope I'll see you soon." I smile as Stephanie walks out of the door.
"You will and be careful with Miles, forgiveness isn't always the best medicine," Stephanie says and I nod as I watch her leave through the hallway. I close the door behind her and let myself slide down and onto the floor.
"Oh, Miles." I breathe, hoping that the tears won't overtake me completely this time.
I hear a knock at my door and instantly get up to open it.
"Jacob?" I question as I stare into his pure blue eyes.
"Are you crying?" he asks and I shake my head, wiping the only tear that must have fallen down my cheek.
"No." I smile.
"Why are you here, Jacob?" I ask.
"I wanted to see if you were alright, plus, I thought we could grab dinner, for real this time. You don't need to hear my side, but you do need to know that I'm sorry."
"I don't know." I breathe.
"We'll do something else then, I bet you need to get to some store or something and Ican drive you there." He explains and I roll my eyes with a small smile playing at my lips.
"Okay." I mouth.

The Perfect Storm 2
Ficção AdolescenteMadison and Miles continue to be tested while they try to navigate through their rocky relationship. Odds are on their side, bringing them back to one another, closer than ever but as more bombshells continue to drop down on them, their relationship...