Chapter 126

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"Remember the person who you kiss at midnight, is the person you'll spend forever with, so kiss all the losers now or suffer later." The blonde says before introducing herself as 'Launa.'

"How do you even pronounce that?" Stephanie bursts into laughter but all I can do is keep my eyes on the boy that's ignoring me for someone else, someone who I'm not.

"Ready to go bitches!" Launa says and I laugh for no reason.

"What's so funny?" She asks, glaring at me while Miles looks at me expressionlessly.

"I . . . I—" I stammer for an explanation.

"She's drunk, bitch!" Stephanie saves me and I thank her with a smile. Launa laughs and so does everyone, everyone except Miles.

"Teams!" Launa starts before adding, "Elijah can join, for now." Stephanie squeals at the news before hugging his silly smile.

Stephanie, Elijah and I all stand on the right side of the small table while Miles and Launa stand on the left side. Everyone is ready to win—to compete. Everyone except me and Miles. I look at the cups below us, lining the table on both sides.

"I guess beer pong is the first." Stpehanie shurgs.

"Five hours till new years, let's get wasted," Launa says before throwing a ping pong ball right into one of our cups.

"Madison." She says.

"You have to drink," Stephanie says. and I look at her confused, "but—"

"Launa makes her own rules." She explains and I nod before hesitantly grabbing one of the shot glasses and putting the glass and foul-smelling liquid against my lips. I tilt my head and let the liquid travel down my throat in a slow and agonizing motion but before I know it, I've swallowed the liquid and the drink doesn't feel so bad.

"Throw the ball, champ," Elijah says and I laugh before my eyes shift to focus on Miles's. they're burning hot—burning into mine. I ignore him and try to focus on my throw but after thinking I have a good aim, I end up missing the cups completely. 

Miles grabs the ball and throws it into the cup right below me.

"Madison." He says and a shiver of electricity runs through my body at the sound of my name rolling off his tongue. I hesitate for a quick second, trying to recover from the feeling his voice gives me.

"Happy new year." He licks his lips as the drink hits my lips and travels down my throat.

"Happy new year," I say before throwing the ping pong ball into his cup. He raises a shot glass to his lips and pours the liquid down his throat, his eyes never leaving mine.

AFTER HALF AN hour of beer pong, my mind feels blurry and my body feels fuzzy. I feel warm inside, the kind of warm that lets me relax more than I would have been able to on my own.

 We're all more relaxed, Elijah's hand is resting on Stephanie's lower back while she giggles at his every joke, Miles is looking right at me while Launa tries everything to get his attention and I'm looking down at my feet, hoping this dress isn't too revealing.

"Yo!" A tall and scary looking guy shouts before approaching Miles. He's a little shorter than Miles but he scares me as much as Miles used to.

"I've been hearing everywhere that you're finally tied down, player." He says and Miles smirks.

"Sure am." His eyes look right into mine.

"So . . . who is it? I'm dying to see the girl that turned this player whipped." The guy says and I gulp. My stomach starts to churn as Miles's eyes look into mine but instead of saying my name he says hers, "Launa."

His eyes are still on mine but as soon as the guy beside him starts to congratulate the two, his eyes shift from mine to his, and a genuine smile forms on his face. My heart sinks into my stomach and now I really want to throw up.

"Suck and blow!" Launa says too excited—too excited about Miles. I don't know whether or not Miles is lying but the genuine smile still lingering on his face, tells me that the odds of him lying are slim.

"Madison?" I hear behind me. The voice sounds familiar but somehow I can't believe he's really standing there behind me.

"Jacob?" I turn around slowly, whispering his name to myself. His familiar smile greets me and his blue eyes shine brighter than never before.

"Jacob," I say a little louder, surprised that he's here with his head injury.

"How are—why—" I can't get any words out.

"The doctors said that it wasn't as bad as it looked, but I still have to get regular check-ups and if I get into a fight again, I might just drop dead," Jacob says with a small smile even though his eyes are serious. He gives Miles a glare before looking back at me.

"Madison, you look . . . you're stunning." He breathes with a smile as he looks at me from head to toe.

"Thank you." I smile at him and as I do, I feel Miles's eyes burn the back of my neck.

"Enough chit chat, it's time for kiss and blow!" Launa almost screams and Stephanie rolls her eyes at me, telling me she's annoyed at Launa.

"Jacob and I . . . aren't playing," I say, turning around to Miles's glare and clenches jaw but they aren't toward me. They're toward Jacob. Miles doesn't say anything but his balled fists are clearly warning Jacob. 

I ignore Miles and take Jacobs's hand in mine, attempting to walk away but Miles calls, "Jacob?" and we both turn around.

"One more fight and you'll die . . . right?" Miles clenches his jaw and the look in his is eyes is as serious as it can get. 

I glare at him before my lips open up without my say and blurt out, "Why do you care? I thought you had a girlfriend." I fire at him, Stephanie gasps and Elijah flashes a silly smile but I can't make out to who it is. Miles stays silent and I turn around, holding Jacobs's hand and leading him upstairs, unsure of what I'm doing.

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