I slowly drive through the bumpy and uneven roads that are too high for the low Lamborghini. I understand now why Miles traded his Lamborghini for a truck even though ever since then, the roads have been fixed a little. No one really cared about the roads here which is why it isn't surprising that they're never fully fixed only partially.
The low Lamborghini barely makes it to my mother's house where I finally park and rest the car of all of the bumps it's been through for the past twenty minutes.
The rain has stopped and the morning has finally risen which oddly makes me feel better as if I've moved away from everything and when I look around me to see Ohio and not Washington, I realize that I literally have moved away from it all.
My mother stands outside, welcoming me inside her small home, the home that feels smaller now that I know what Miles's house looks like, I greet my mother with a few hugs and smiles and she asks me to sit down at the kitchen table before mixing up pancake batter.
"What's really going on, Madison?" She asks as a few pancakes fry in the pan.
"Come here." She says, offering for me to sit on her lap and I do so, even though I'm too heavy for her week legs.
"You're my daughter, I need to know what's wrong." She says, slowly and carefully bumping her forehead against mine, forcing the tears out of my eyes.
"I don't know what's wrong, there are so many things and I can't put it all together," I say quietly, leaning against my mother's warmth that I've needed for so long.
"I love him, but I . . . I don't know if I can . . . If I can be with him." I say through the tears before breaking down into my mother's warm chest while she holds me tightly.
AFTER ALMOST HALF AN HOUR the hot water has stopped running and I'm finally ready to step out of the shower that was scolding hot mere seconds ago.
My feet hit the puffy white rug right beneath me which must be new.
Knowing that my mother is able to go to the stores and shop for furniture makes me smile and forget Miles for a second but as soon as I do, I remember him—I remember everything.
"Are you hungry?" My mother's voice rings as soon as I step out of the bathroom. My clothes cling to my wet body and even though I tried to dry myself as well as I could, droplets of water are still all over me and it's most uncomfortable under my leggings.
"No." I shake my head and my mother smiles, putting plastic wrap over the cold pancakes and sticking them into the fridge. She gives me a smile before clearing the plate she was eating from. She gives me a warm smile before her slippers take her into the living room where I follow.
"Are you and—"
"Yeah." I nod, biting at my lip to hold the tears from spilling completely.
"We're . . ." I try but stop myself and my mother nods, telling me she fully understands what I'm trying to communicate to her. She goes into the shelf and pulls something out that I can't really see, but as she approaches closer I realize just what it is.
"I thought you'd want this back." My mother says, handing me Jace's necklace.
I Stare at it, knowing exactly what she means with this gesture and as I continue to stare at only it, I tug at the necklace Miles gave me.
Miles's POV
Reget has taken over me and the evidence is in the liquor cabinet that is now empty. I run my fingers through my messy hair and smell the alcohol that's lingering in this fucking room.
As I lay down on the black silk sheets nothing but memories of Lacey and the strip club flash my mind and I want to throw it all the fuck up on the stupid silk.
"Miles?" Valentina knocks on my door.
"I'm heading out," I say before she can finish.
"There is dinner downstairs," She says, finishing anyway.
"I'm not hungry," I tell her and quickly rush down the stairs. Getting more alcohol to drown me is the only priority I have, the rest can fuck off, even my empty stomach that's begging for even a crumb.
I grab one of the two keys available to me since Madison has the third one and head to the black garage right after I manage to grab the black t-shirt off the couch that Valentina cleaned anyway.
I roll my eyes as I hold it in my hands, feeling the dry and soft fabric as I head out into the pouring rain.
I open the garage with one click and my feet approach it closer, stepping on the pebbled down on the ground. I look at both the cars and click the key, unlocking the pitch-black Porsche.
The red light lights up and I approach with a smile.
The garage is dark and the only thing visible is the 'Porche' sign and the red lights. I put on my t-shirt slowly, trying to feel whatever rain I can before heading inside the car and closing the door behind me. I look around the car, realizing I haven't driven her in a while.
I take a deep breath, trying not to choke on the alcohol inside me to feel the new car smell that hasn't yet been enlaced with my cologne.
I glance in the rearview mirror to see my dark hazel andvery bloodshot eyes staring back at me.
I sit in the comfortable leather before turning the car and violently and loudly backing out of th garage, the motos screaming as I press the gas pedal; just the way I like it.
I quickly get onto the main road, knowing exactly where my destination is.

The Perfect Storm 2
Teen FictionMadison and Miles continue to be tested while they try to navigate through their rocky relationship. Odds are on their side, bringing them back to one another, closer than ever but as more bombshells continue to drop down on them, their relationship...