Miles's POV
The hallway is surprisingly dark and I'm leaning against one of the walls as Lacey just stands in the middle, watching me.
"So, you're a nurse?"
"I'm trying, medical school isn't exactly easy, but I managed to get a deal and some credit by working here part-time." She explains and then takes a step closer to the point where our eyes feel like they're inches apart.
"I'm not as much hands-on as I'd like to be." She says, her tongue slowly unraveling the words, letting them roll so perfectly off her tongue as she steps even closer.
"Miles, I've missed you." She finally says and I almost roll my eyes.
"It's over Lace, you had your choice, Hayden is available, I've heard." I chuckle and Lacey surprisingly joins me. Her cheeks are flushed a light pink color as she looks into my eyes.
"Hayden and I broke up for a reason, I made a mistake okay? And when I saw you . . . at the store, you looked at me and . . . I know you felt it too." Lacey says, approaching even closer to the point where I can feel her breath hit my lips lightly. Her hands reach up and wrap themselves around my neck as she looks intensely into my eyes.
"Lace, it's over." I huff, grabbing her hands away, feeling the soft skin of her bare arms.
"Maybe you can give me something to keep my hands busy—" She begins again but then stops suddenly and looks to the side.
"I have to go, we'll take later—"
"No, we won't, Lace, I'm—"I begin but she desperately shuts me out, my pressing on my lips with her long finger.
"Finish that thought later." She bites her lip and smiles.
"Call me." She says and sticks something in the pocket of my jeans before running off like a fucking schoolgirl. I roll my eyes and then dig my fingers to reach my pocket to see a white slip of paper with her number on it. I will finish what I was going to say.
Madison's POV
I'm angry, hurt, and confused and I can't do anything about it. It's the most pain I've endured and the worst thing is, is that there's no escape, there's nothing that can save me.
Seeing my mother like this stings through my heart, the sadness on her face, the disappointment in her features is a constant reminder of just how bad things really are and I don't know how much longer I can deal with it.
Getting news like this was surprising to me and to my mother and now the only thing that can save us is something my mother doesn't seem to want to do.
"How are you feeling?" I ask my mother whose head is turned away from me as she sits in the passenger seat next to me of the Lamborghini that Miles let me take to see her, which only reminds me of the pain I'm dealing with him too.
"I don't know." She admits, her voice Is low and full of agonizing pain.
"I thought everything was getting better," I tell her in a breath that releases itself so heavily from my throat.
"I thought it was butt maybe . . . that was just all tricks trying to play on my old brain." My mother says and the words sting.
"You're not old, mom," I tell her but all she can offer me s a very, very forced smile my way. I take a deep breath, trying to keep the tears at bay as we approach her home closer and closer but despite it only being a seven-minute drive from the hospital, it's starting to feel like an eternity.
The air in the car is weird, something I've rarely sensed before, it's like there's a topic we can't discuss; an elephant in the room that we can't break and deal with but there isn't anything we can't talk about.
We both heard what the doctor said and yet everything feels so weird and distant in an unexplainable way.
"Everything is going to be okay." She finally says and I'm grateful for her positive mood but deep down I know that it's not the whole truth, it can't be, especially not with the way her features are drawn on her.
"It will be," I tell her even though the words are using every last bit of hope that I have left.
All I want to do is hide somewhere in the corner and cry and I know that I can which is why I'm so able to endure this car ride. Just like my mother seems to need some time alone, I do too and that's somehow the worst part.
We don't need each other right now, we need ourselves to heal and that's both a blessing and a curse. I don't want to be alone but I need it more than I can explain.
"I'M GOING UP THE STAIRS." My mother explains tto me as soon as she puts her white scarf on a small table by the entrance. I give her a small nod; it's all I can give her now, it's all the feeling I have left in my body after having every good emotion drained out of me.
"Okay." I finally mumble but she's long gone. It hurts. It hurts so much to know what she's going through and to know that after a long time of completely abandoning the upstairs floor, she's finally there again, after all the time, after everything, she wants to go there again because of the hurt of what she just had to experience makes my father's cheating seem like comfort.
Maybe I can't give her the comfort she needs right now. The thoughts running through my mind make me almost want to throw up but I don't. I somehow keep it in.
I let my eyes linger on the stairs for what feels like two whole hours and by the time I finally manage to move my feet again, I feel numb; stuck somehow.
The silence is killing me and I want to travel up the stairs and comfort her and trying everything in me not to, doesn't work but when I press my foot on the first step I finally hear sobbing; slow, agonizing, and sad sobbing that tears at my heart.
"Oh, Petter." I hear and I gulp down the thickness in my throat. My teary eyes threaten to spill their contents and I can't hold anything still, everything is falling apart.
My life feels like it just got glued back together only for everything to feel worse.
And I can't help but think about all those times I've heard that all you need is positivity but in moments like these, how can anyone be positive? This is a time to be negative, to blame, and to hate. Why her? Why would God or anyone want to take my mother away from me? the only thing I have? I bite the insides of my cheek and slowly drag my foot back to where it's been standing still for hours.
"I love you, Peter." My mother says and the tears in my eyes start to run down my cheeks harder than ever, even though the teeth that are gipping and holding so tightly onto the insides of my cheeks for a stop.

The Perfect Storm 2
Teen FictionMadison and Miles continue to be tested while they try to navigate through their rocky relationship. Odds are on their side, bringing them back to one another, closer than ever but as more bombshells continue to drop down on them, their relationship...