Miles's POV
I watch her as she sleeps peacefully beside me, I feel so heavenly, so holy being right here; right next to her. My blood feels warmer and I feel alive.
I feel the warmth run through me as if it's pure fucking sunshine, I need her and I realize that now. As I look at her eyelids closed over her eyes I can't help but admire her long black eyelashes, her thin dark-brown eyebrows, her puffy light-pink lips that stare back at me, the ones I want on mine. Her eyes flicker open and I feel so caught.
"Mies?" She questions as if to see if I'm really here.
"I'm here baby," I tell her, my breath hitting her bare neck. Her top is back on her and so are her pants. I love her.
"I . . ." I know she's saying it back, her lips, her eyes, everything is telling me that's she's going to say the words I miss hearing. The words that fill me with life.
"I hope you're awake because I have coffee!" Stephanie squeals as she enters the dorm, the door swinging to hit the wall, keys in her hands, sunglasses on her eyes, and four coffees in a stupid tray in her grip.
Stephanie stares at me as if she's looking at something demonic. Her shades slide down to her nose to reveal her wide light eyes staring right at me.
"I have to go." I finish for Madison since Stephanie has now interrupted whatever was actually going to come from her lips. And for once, I feel slightly thankful that Stephanie interrupted us because I honestly don't know what Madison was going to say and if t's anything different from us being together, I can't hear it right now.
I need that girl more than I need anything and to think that our love is hanging on a damn string is too fucking much to handle. Madison stays quiet at the words while Stephanie just continued to stare. I get out of the bed, grab my black jacket, and walk out of the room, not looking back but hearing the door click closed as my old skool vans tap against the hallway floor.
I don't know what we need right now, but I know that Madison's feelings are perfectly clear for me. She didn't try to stop me and she didn't even finish her sentence. If it had been important, she would have finished.
She was right, and so was I. We aren't meant to be together and fate will always remind us of that.
Madison's POV
"What, uh, what was he doing here?" Stephanie asks concern in her eyes as they stare at me as if I've done something wrong.
"I don't know," I answer honestly. Y mind feels clear for the first time in a while, every kiss, every touch of his lips to mine, made the fog in my mind go away but I still can't answer how he got here. One minute I was crying, feeling sad and hopeless, I needed him as I've never needed him and the next I remember him being here.
New York is only a flight away but Miles makes it look easier than that, he makes it look magical.
"I thought you two broke up." Stephanie throws out the words. I haven't wanted to think about anything other than Miles and now that reality has hit, I realize just how much I was trying to escape it last night.
My mind feels like it's starting to re-wind and work again after the distraction of last night but yet, I don't know how to answer Stephanie, and I don't want to, so I throw out a quick, "It's complicated." Before jumping out of the dorm room and into the showers.
My mind consciously assumes that my muscles are tense and my fingers listen, pushing the hot water to scolding but when the harsh flow of water hits my back, I realize my body isn't tense anymore and it hasn't been since last night; since Miles and since his touch.
As I stare at the tiled wall in front of me, nothing else but him runs through my mind. The way he touched me, the way he flew from New York, and then it hits me, New York.
That's where he decided to go after all and so soon, tiring to clearly escape his reality; to escape me because I was clearly holding him back and when he didn't have me; he had nothing to stop him, and New York was his decision.
He clearly couldn't wait to get there, we haven't seen each other for a week and all of a sudden he's moved across the country, leaving me because that so obviously makes him happy. I feel the anger boil inside me at how badly he wants to leave me and then he dares to come back and do all of this to me; to touch me like that and to use me when he only wants to get away from me.
I cut off the scolding water before stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around me. I hear my phone buzzing as I approach the dressing room and this time I know it's Miles But when I look at the name on the screen, it's Stephanie.
Why wouldn't Miles call me? I bite down at my lips, tiring not to let the tears fall onto my wet cheeks. All of this only proves that Mies really doesn't care. In fact, he couldn't care less.
I slide the red button over Stephanie's name, I don't know who to answer anything right now. even after Miles came back; came to me, I still feel as though I'm left completely in the dark, it's just like everything started, nothing seems to have changed, and now, Milles is gone without a trace again, just the way he wants it.

The Perfect Storm 2
Novela JuvenilMadison and Miles continue to be tested while they try to navigate through their rocky relationship. Odds are on their side, bringing them back to one another, closer than ever but as more bombshells continue to drop down on them, their relationship...