chapter 98

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Miles's POV

"Madison wasn't in her dorm room. Where is she, Jacob?" I breathe hard into the receiver. The last time I spoke after heavy exercise was only when someone interrupted me.

"We're shopping," Jacob says and a smirk plays at my lips. The fact that this asshole thinks he can take my girl shopping.

"Well then, who am I to interrupt? Have fun." I press the red button and throw my phone onto the couch only for it to jump from the couch and onto the ground.

"Son of a bitch." I breathe as I pick up the cracked phone. 

Getting better seemed like an easy promise but now that I have to not only let go of my demons but of my anger, it's proving to be a real bitch. I can't fight Jacob anymore and I definitely can't cuss him out, not in front of Madison. 

I put the heavy weights back where they belong before walking into the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror, watching my snake tattoo hand from my neck, both its tail and face staring at me. I smirk at myself, letting my hazel eyes blend in with my dark hair. 

My muscles have gotten much bigger and my arms are now more defined which will only let Maison enjoy more of me. I step into the ice-cold water, letting it absorb me, letting it sting every part of my body, and bite at every muscle I've exercised. 

The hurt caused by boxing for three hours slowly disappears as the water runs down my face and to my torso. I'm completely naked, rid of every clothing and every accessory. 

After washing my hair and body I quickly step out of the shower, trying a white towel around my abdomen. I spray cologne on my chest and wrists before brushing deodorant under my arms and walking out of the bathroom only to see Valentina standing there.

"I thought I told you not to be on the second floor for no reason." I breathe, my dull eyes examining her features.

"Your mother is here to see you." She informs me and I smirk.

"I don't want to see her." I breathe, turning away and walking towards my room.

"Miles," she says and I look at her confused.

"She's asking for dinner with you." Valentina explains and I clench my jaw, part my lips, and start, "Valentina—" but of course, my mother stops me.

"Miles, get down here sweetheart." I scoff and walk towards my room.

"Miles--" my mother approaches the stairs closer, close enough for me to see her stupid red lipstick.

"I have to get dressed don't I?" I huff before walking into my bedroom. I roll my eyes as I step inside of my bedroom and shut the door behind me. 

I quickly slip into fresh clothes and clench my jaw as I sit down on my bed. I never thought that owning these black silk sheets would haunt me this much, but even with Valentina washing them every few days I can't forget the endless virginities lost on these same sheets. 

Madison's virginity would have ended up the same way if the rules of the game hadn't changed.

"Miles?" I hear a faint knock followed by Valentina's voice.

"I'm coming," I say but she already cracked the door open.

"Oh and, these sheets. Throw them away and get new ones." I say and she nods before leaving. If I want to change, I need to change every demon, every black memory—everything. 

I open up a small cabinet in my room and grab a heavy see-through glass bottle with light-brown liquid in it. 

If I'm going to see my mother again, I'll need something flowing in my veins. I take a few gulps, swallowing the harsh and foul liquid before my feet lazily drag me down the tall stairs. 

My mother is right below them waiting for me with her perfectly painted red lipstick and jet black hair.

"Thank you for joining me, Miles." She says, looking at me with my eyes. Somehow, even with the resemblance of looking just like me, she has never truly felt like a mother to me.

"I was forced to," I smirk, letting my feet take me all the way down.

"Valentina was kind enough to make us dinner," Pamela informs me and I roll my eyes. She leads me toward the large dining room table that Valentina was kind enough to bring back into the dining room. I roll my eyes as I see perfectly placed dinner, dishes, and everything we could possibly need.

"You smell good, did you just get out of the shower?" Pamela asks and I nod with no emotion. Valentina places a few last things on the table and we finally dig in. 

I fill up my dish and so does my mom, except hers looks much cleaner than mine considering I also poured gravy on top of everything. 

A few minutes go by and neither of us says anything to each other.

"So what's the real reason you came over? I know it's not for family bonding time." I bark.

"Oh, don't be silly, you know I want to know more about your life, and that girl you're dating."

"Well, If you wouldn't have acted like a complete psychopath the last time you met her, maybe you would know more about her," I smirk.

"In that case, I'm sorry," Pamela says and I raise a brow. She wipes the corners of her red lips with a white napkin before placing her hand on mine.

"I want to start over . . . as a family." She says and I want to laugh at her audacity.

"I want you to move back in." 

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