Chapter 111

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After taking a quick shower and after Miles and I help my mother with dinner, the table is finally set.

"Maybe we should invite Jace over?" I suggest as my mom pours soup into blue bowls. Miles gives me a glare but by the time my mom hears the question, it's too late.

"That's a very good idea, Madison. Tell him the dinner is ready." She smiles and I nod before quickly grabbing my phone and letting Jace know with a short text. Miles opens up one of the cabinets and pulls out three small plates.

"It's just the three of us, right?" He smirks, raising a brow. I roll my eyes and grab one more for Jace before placing it on the table. As soon as we sit down, a knock rings in, and not too long after, Jace enters the room.

"Thanks for inviting me." He smiles at my mom all the while ignoring Miles and me.

 He enters further into the room before sitting down next to her and right in front of me. I try to offer Jace a smile and to my surprise, he offers one of his own even though it's small. 

My mom quickly gets two long garlic breads out of the oven.

"Ouch!" She says, dropping the bread onto the large plate in the middle of the small kitchen table before grabbing her finger and slightly biting on it before quickly rushing to put it into cold water.

"I'll get it." Jace and Miles say in unison while my mom and I look at each other, unsure of how to react to the two. I bite at my lip watching as both of them stand up from their seats.

"I got it, sit down," Miles says through his pearl teeth as a smirk plays across his lips. 

Jace gives him a glare, he almost seems unrecognizable. 

I always recognized Jace as someone sweet, someone who always understood me but as soon as Miles came into my life, everything I knew about Jace—about who he is, changed.

"I'm good, I think the guest should be the one sitting down," Jace replies and I look at my mother equally confused as she is. 

Miles smirks before gesturing for Jace to go ahead and without a single thought Jace picks up the bread straight out of the oven only to burn himself too. The bread falls but Miles catches it with his smirk and places it onto the table.

"I'm good." He smirks and I can tell that even though his trying to change, he's enjoying every single second of Jace's torture.

"Let's sit down," I say, trying to ease the tension between the two. 

Jace quickly dips his finger into the cold water left behind in the sink before sitting down, my mother following right next to him. My mom breaks up the bread for us and by the time we start eating the tension between the two is too obvious and the awkwardness starts to swim around us.

"So, how did you two meet?" My mother sweetly asks, looking at Miles who is clenching his jaw and staring at the broccoli soup in front of him.

"Uh, college." He replies with a smile as his eyes finally shift to look at my mother's.

"We were in class together," I explain further.

"And he was your roommate's boyfriend," Jace says and I gulp and Miles's jaw clenches again and his veiny hands ball by his sides under the table.

"You were?" my mom asks kindly, with no judgment in her eyes as she looks at Miles. I know my mother and I know that she's curious as to know more—more about my decision.

"Yeah, but it wasn't serious," Miles says coolly and my mother nods in agreement.

"How about all of the parties you went to?" Jace asks his eyes only on Miles.

"What can I say? I like partying." Miles smirks.

"Do you drink?" Jace asks with an attempt at a smirk.


"Do you have a drinking problem?" Jace asks, determined to dig out everything bad about Miles.


"Did you force Madison to drink? Because I know she did." Jace says and even with the hurt in my eyes at his words in front of my mother, he keeps his eyes only on Miles's.

"Dude." Miles shakes his head in anger with a clenched jaw.

"Madison." My mother looks at me, hurt covering all of her features. I glance at Jace in panic and his eyes tell me he regrets the words but it's too late.

"It was only a little," I explain and my mom offers me a small-barely there smile.

"It's okay Maddie." My mother says before continuing, "I should clean up, thank you for coming, both of you." She looks at Miles and Jace before standing up and taking the dishes off the table.

AFTER JACE LEAVES and my mother finally closes the door to her bedroom, Miles and I clean up the rest.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to provoke Jack,"Miles says and I give him a small giggle with a roll of my eyes.

"If you're going to change, you need to start calling him Jace." I giggle.

"Jace it is then," Miles says, hands in the air.

"And sometimes I think you are trying," I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"Of course I am, but the plan is never for it to end up hurting you . . . like it did tonight," Miles says and I offer him a small smile.

"We should get to bed, it's late," I tell him and he nods. I attempt to leave him in the kitchen and enter my bedroom but his hand grabs mine, stopping me completely in my tracks.

"I hope you know I'm sleeping in the same bed as you." He whispers into my hair, giving my whole body shivers.

"No, you're not." I smile, biting my lip and rolling my eyes before walking into my room with one last glance at his tempting smile.

Miles's POV

After finally convincing Madison of me sleeping in the same bed as her, she fell asleep. And as I look down at my mattress I smirk. That shit won't get another body on it for a while. 

Marry's odd rules are barely keeping me sane. Not only did I need to sleep away from my girl, but I also had to wear pajamas, and since they didn't have anything I'd fit into, I'm forced to wear my skinny jeans and my black t-shirt while Madison wears my t-shirt from two days ago and some fucking shorts she found in her closet. 

The whole time she was digging for them, I hoped she wouldn't find anything, but she did and not only one pair but three. 

She turned to look at me before asking me to choose between white, black and light-blue I tolled my eyes and smiled before picking the black ones. 

My shirt makes it almost impossible to stand the heat that surrounds us and now that I've managed to get under the covers with her, the heat feels to be swallowing me. I slowly take off my shirt before throwing it at the wide-open door, closing it only slightly. 

I can finally breathe as my bare chest takes in the now normal temperature. I look at Madison as she sleeps so softly and perfectly right next to me in the silence of the room. 

My fingers hover gently over her dark brown hair and I pick up a strand of her hair and stroke her head.

"If you let me . . . I'll change everything about me you hate, every part of me is gone, if you just say the words," I whisper into her soft hair and to my surprise she turns around, facing me with her eyes slightly open.

"I don't want any of you to change, I want all of you, even the bad parts." She whispers and I clench my jaw knowing how much bad I've done to this girl and here she is, wanting to keep those parts of me.

"Madison." I breathe as I lay there, looking right at her.

"I'm sorry about everything I did . . . I'm sorry I didn't recognize what you really meant to me. The thing is, I—I didn't know what love was before I met you, and I should have—"

"I love you, Miles." Madison breathes and my heart skips a few beats before I let our lips collide harder than ever.

"I love you too," I whisper.

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