Hi guys!!! this is an EXTRA long chapter, so make sure that you grab a blanket, get somewhere comfortable and grab some food and a drink. Make sure to vote so that TPS gets out there more. And like always, happy reading!! EEkkkk!!
After what has felt like an hour of staring at Miles's Lamborghini keys, Jace finally walks in through the door. I still haven't decided on anything that I want all I know is that I want to leave. TXSU doesn't feel like me and I don't feel like anything here is familiar even though I have Jace standing right in front of me.
"I, um . . . I was thinking of leaving." I tell him and he looks at me with surprised eyes.
"Oh." He says, looking down at my feet for a quick second.
"Are you sure?" He asks and I nod.
"Yeah, I, um, I have to return Miles's car and um, prepare for school," I explain quietly and he nods.
"Okay, we'll go." He says with a small smile.
"No, Jace . . . I couldn't let you do that." I say before explaining, "I'll take a train." I tell him but he shakes his head.
"Madison, I want to drive you—"
"No, Jace, I'm fine . . . really," I tell him, unsure if I mean it or not. He looks down to the floor and parts his lips but I manage to stop him from saying anything else, "I'll be fine, I need some time to think and a seven-hour train ride to Ohio is just what I need." I give him a small smile and he chuckles.
"If you're sure." He nods.
"I am."
Miles's POV
"Yo, Miles!" I hear Hayden's voice calling behind me which only makes me continue walking.
"Oh come on." I hear him saying quietly before he runs up to me and forces me to a full stop, pushing my shoulder with his hand.
"What?" I ask, my eyes bored and dull. I notice a few people in the hallway staring at the two of us as they pass by.
"What the fuck do you want?" I repeat the question, pushing his stupid hand off of me. A smirk appears on his pink lips, his dark eyes move to watch me carefully and his dark brown skin stares back at me.
"Don't talk to me like that." He barks, the arrow tattoo next to his eyes speaking more than he is.
"I'll talk to you, however, the fuck I please," I tell him, my eyes dull, not giving a shit about the asshole in front of me.
"That's fine." He raises his hands up and away from me, but the smirk on his face is still clearer than ever.
"I just wanted to check up on you, you know the virgin is out of your life now . . ." He starts and I clench my jaw. My fists are clenched too and I'm getting ready to push this son of a fucking bitch.
"I thought that maybe I could shoot my shot, you know if it's okay with you. Since your messing with Launa, maybe I can mess with your girl too, even just for a quick five minutes. I know she's easy, I've heard the rumors." He says with a smile on his face that spreads over all of his features and pisses all of mine off.
"Don't fuck with Launa or I'll fuck with MAdison. Do you got that straight?" He asks his finger pushing at my chest hard.
I bite my teeth into my inner cheek and wait for the hallway to be empty enough before I slam my fist as hard as I can into his stupid fucking nose ring, causing Hayden to take a few steps back. He's dizzy and confused from the hit which only makes me smile.
"Fuck you!" I yell.
"And don't you ever fucking dare mention my girl again!" I yell at him before pushing him as hard as I fucking can only to the damn floor where he sits like a fucking cunt. His hands qucikly rush over to his bleeding nose as he stares up at me, his dark brown eyes searching my face with anger.

The Perfect Storm 2
Teen FictionMadison and Miles continue to be tested while they try to navigate through their rocky relationship. Odds are on their side, bringing them back to one another, closer than ever but as more bombshells continue to drop down on them, their relationship...