Miles's POV
As I walk out of Angelas' broken-down house, I'm greeted by the sun setting right in front of me, except it's so far away that only the lights of it manage to taint the sky.
The sky is light blue with light pink forming around. I kick a pebble that sits right by my feet before it swings down the almost non-existant driveway as I try to calm my mind from racing with all kinds of thoughts about what Madison and her mom could be discussing right now, all I know is that its' not good.
As I stare down the driveway, I scoff at the person approaching.
"Un-fucking-believable." I breathe to myself before approaching the fucker closer.
"What the hell are you doing here?" His eyes glare at me and I smirk at him.
"Watch it with the cuss word." I walk past him but I hear his feet crush onto the gravel behind me, approaching me closer.
"Where do you think you're going?" He barks behind me.
"For a damned walk." I smile to myself even though I'm turned away from him.
"Get back here." He says like a child but I keep walking, not listening to that little jerk.
"I said get back here." He says and I hear his footsteps getting more rapid and before I know it the little shit punches himself into my ribs. I grunt and struggle to breathe for a good second. Somehow I forgot what it felt like to get punched and beaten up.
I was so used to it only being Jacob doing the dirty work that having this different asshole punch me, feels odd somehow.
"What the fuck?!" I grunt, trying to recover from the fucking shock that is this asshole punching me in the fucking ribs.
"Why the hell are you here?" He asks, his eyes angry as they try to look into mine without squinting away, he almost reminds me of parents who can barely look at me without their body shaking. I give him a satisfied smirk, enjoying the moment where his eyes aren't as glaring but rather afraid for the answer.
"I'm Madison's boyfriend, remember?" His eyes look down at the ground for a split second, looking like a lost puppy. But it doesn't take long before he looks up at me again, with more anger than before, and approaches me closer and much faster.
"Get the hell out of here!" He yells before punching me in the very center of my fucking stomach. I'm tempted to punch him back, but I can't, I know how much Madison cares about this asshole, so instead, I push him away from me as harshly as I can, letting him land on the ground with a thud.
"Don't fuck with me." I bark, my jaw clenching tight as I stare at him with the most uninterested eyes. And even though I turn away I feel him still laying there in the dirt.
I try my best to ignore the fucker but he opens his mouth, "You know . . ." He starts and I turn around to see him slowly getting up from the ground, dusting off his fucking arms.
"You don't deserve Madison, you might have won her for now, but we both know she's meant to be with me. I could take care of her, I would provide for her, I'd give her everything she wants." I scoff at his words.
"And why can't I give her what she wants?" a smirk plays at my lips at the audacity of this fucking guy.
"Because you won't marry her, you can't give her a family, and by the looks of it, I don't see you as someone who was planning on waiting for fo marriage, or even college. You can't give yourself to her, and she'll realize that sooner or later." He says and I gulp, clenching my jaw.

The Perfect Storm 2
Teen FictionMadison and Miles continue to be tested while they try to navigate through their rocky relationship. Odds are on their side, bringing them back to one another, closer than ever but as more bombshells continue to drop down on them, their relationship...