After getting into my tight black dress I can't help but feel like I've made a mistake. Being in nothing but a thong underneath a tight, small, and black dress that shows as much of my chest as the Halloween costume I wore did, feels wrong.
"I'll be cold like this," I say as Stephanie finishes up putting on her gold heels that somehow match her silky hot pink night-gown looking dress.
"Maybe I should try a different dress," I suggest but Stephanie shakes her head. She places her hands on my shoulders with a smile.
"It's new years, and girl . . ." She looks up at the ceiling and then back at me, "You need to have some fun, Miles or not." She says and I smile at her.
"You're right." I breathe out.
"And for the cold, you can have this . . . for now." She hands me a black thick denim jacket and I give her a smile.
"Thank you," I say and she nods. We both hear a knock at the door and my stomach starts to churn. As soon as I see the handle moving down I jump to the person behind it to be Miles but when Elijah's silly smile steps in, I know it's not.
"Hey, babe, ready to go?" He looks at Stephanie and then at me.
"We're ready!" Stephanie squeals before grabbing my arm, "Let's go." She squeaks and I smile at her, still unsure of how I feel with being in a thong underneath the dress. I pull it down but Stephanie playfully pushes my hands away as we use in our heels down the hallway.
Elijah stays behind us and I can't help but wonder if he can see my thong under the short dress that feels to be slowly waking up my body. Our heels click against the hallway's floor until it's replaced with crackling of gravel in the parking lot. My stomach starts to churn as we finally approach Elijah's car.
AFTER A SILENT TEN-minute car ride, Elijah finally parks his car in front of Hayden's house. We step outside to take a look at the huge house in front of us.
Music is blasting from the inside and shadows of people are dancing inside with red cups flying around in their hands. I gulp down my nerves as we walk across the long entryway. No one is outside which is surprising even with the cold lingering in the air. The house is bigger than I remember and when we enter inside, I recognize nothing except the basement door that haunts me.
"Take off your jacket," Stephanie whispers, knocking me out of my thoughts which I'm thankful for.
"Uh . . ." I mumble as I look at the guys walking past us that seem to stare us up and down.
"It's cold." I smile, realizing I can't lie my way out of this, but the jacket is the only thing that covers my skin, without it, I'm practically naked. Stephanie rolls her eyes and steps behind me, pulling the jacket slowly off me, and just as she attempts to, I spot those dark eyes—his dark eyes.
To my surprise, Miles is sitting at one of the couches with a girl on his lap. I gulp and can almost hear my stomach churning, my heart starts to beat faster and I feel like I want to throw up. My mind quickly takes me back to the message he sent me earlier, asking if we were broken up. I didn't think much of t then but now I know exactly why he needed to know.
The girl wraps her arms around him as she talks to someone in front of her who I can't see but Miles's dark eyes stay on mine. They're sharp—razor sharp. One of his hands is placed right above the couch while the other holds a red cup.
"Come on, Madison, I didn't do your makeup and loan you my best dress for nothing." Stephanie jokes and finally, I let her take off the jacket.
She pulls it away and just as she completely takes it off, Miles chokes on his drink and I hear the girl on him squeak, "Oh my god, are you okay?!"
"I'm fine." He barks, turning to her for a split second before looking back at me, now, with her looking at me too. The music blasts louder and I follow Stephanie and Elijah into the kitchen where they pour themselves a full red cup, offering me one but I refuse.
"I want to make my own," I say with a small smile.
"Oh wow, this dress really is turning you into a daredevil." Stephanie laughs and I chuckle. The thought of Miles being with someone else is painful, but knowing that we're not meant to be is worse and like Stephanie said, I don't need to spend my new year's eve hurting because Miles really is having fun. I grab a bottle of vodka before pouring it into half of my cup.
"Wow, slow down tiger." Elijah jokes and I laugh before pouring coke into the rest, leaving less than an ounce for cherry juice. I look at the dark-colored drink before taking a sip. My eyes go wide at the burst of flavor.
"This tastes so good," I say with a smile and Elijah throws me one back.
"Time for a drinking game marathon, bitches!" We hear someone yell and my stomach starts to churn again at the touch of Miles playing with the girl on his lap, but I burn it out with more alcohol.
"Yay! We have to play!" Stephanie squeaks but I shake my head. Dressing in this outfit and wearing different makeup was enough for the whole night.
"Oh come on! Don't be such a Debbie downer, plus if they even let us play that means we're hot." Stephanie says but her words don't make sense and we both end up laughing.
I take a big gulp of the drink, almost finishing it, but instead of doing so, I place it on the black kitchen counter that looks too expensive to be splashed with cheap alcohol and even cheaper red cups. A girl with long blonde hair, blue eyes—the kind of girl Miles wrote about in the black book.
He then wrote that after me, that wasn't his type anymore, but after seeing the two sitting together, I realize he's lying and he has been ever since I met him. screams, telling everyone who wants to play to gather into the living room and without a warning, Stephanie yanks my arm into the living room. Elijah joins us slowly, clearly unsure of whether or not he wants to join the marathon.
"Okay so raise your hands if you want to play so that we can get rid of the losers." The blonde squeaks and I feel sick. Stephanie quickly raises her arm but I hesitate. I glance over at Miles whose eyes are staring right into mine, he smirks and slowly raises his, and instead of letting my feelings get to me, I raise mine.
"Nope, sure, yes, no, fuck no, yes . . ." Theblonde continues, touching everyone's shoulders—everyone's who had their handraised up.
More and more people are eliminated from the marathon. Stephaniecloses her eyes, squealing and even though we were told to close our eyes, I can'thelp but peek to see who gets chosen but the closer the blonde approaches, themore hesitant I am until I finally completely close my eyes.
My shoulder getstouched and the word, "Yes." Comes out of the blonde's mouth, somehow I'mrelieved even though I have no interest in a marathon of drinking games.
Stephaniesqueals beside me, telling me she made it but that Elijah didn't and that Milesdid.

The Perfect Storm 2
Teen FictionMadison and Miles continue to be tested while they try to navigate through their rocky relationship. Odds are on their side, bringing them back to one another, closer than ever but as more bombshells continue to drop down on them, their relationship...