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I wake up to a baby's cries. I look over and see that Peeta is fast asleep in the chair next to me. I reach over into the cot next to the hospital bed and lift Willow into my arms as she is screaming her little lungs out. I rock her in my arms gently and whisper soothing things to her.

"What's wrong baby girl?" I whisper. "Mummy's here. It's okay."

I think she just wanted to be held because after awhile of rocking her back and forth, she calms down and lays in my arms, snuggled close to my chest. It's an odd feeling, being a mother. Yesterday I was only pregnant and now I'm holding my little baby girl in my arms, and I feel an even bigger sense of concern and love for my babies than I ever have.

I hear Peeta begin to stir next to me and feel immediately guilty that he had to sleep on a chair while I had the bed. He opens his eyes and smiles when he realises where he is.

"Are you okay?" He asks me.

I nod and smile. "Willow just wanted a cuddle."

"What time is it? Haymitch said him and Effie are coming here at 3 o'clock." He asks.

I look over at the clock next to me and it reads, 2.30pm. The triplets were born at around 8 o'clock in the morning and Peeta and I went to sleep at 10 o'clock so we have had some sleep. "It's half past two."

"Are you sure you're okay? You're not in any pain?" Peeta asks again, brushing away a strand of hair from my face.

"Peeta, I'm fine. Just a little sore but it's not painful." I say, reassuring him because he worries much more than he should.

"Is Willow okay?" He asks, stroking her head with his thumb.

"She's fine. She woke up crying about an hour ago but I think she just wanted a cuddle because she calmed down when I held her." I say.

"They're all so beautiful, like their mother." He says, looking down at Willow.

I feel myself blush and Peeta laughs at me. "After all these years, you still can't take a compliment."

"Shut up!" I laugh, hitting his arm playfully.

There's a knock at the door and Effie and Haymitch walk in. Effie has a huge smile on her face and I can tell she is about to burst with excitement!

"Where are they? I'm so excited to meet them." Effie squeals.

"This is Willow." I say passing Willow into Effie's arms.

"Where are the other two little buggers?" Haymitch asks me.

I pick up Rye from the cot next to me and pass him to Haymitch. "This is Rye."

I have noticed that Rye has a small birth mark above his left eyebrow, it is the only way you can tell Rye and Aster apart. I pick up Aster and hold him in my arms. "And this is Aster."

"She is so gorgeous. Such a perfect mix of the two of you." Effie says.

I smile at Effie and look over to Haymitch who has tears rolling down his face.

"Haymitch, are you okay?" I ask. He looks up at me and sniffs, wiping away the tears with the back of his hand.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine, sweetheart." He says. "He's a handsome kid."

Effie and Haymitch get a turn of holding and admiring all three of them. Somewhere in all of the cooing and hugging Effie breaks down crying saying how happy she is.

Effie is sitting holding Rye, I am holding Aster and Peeta is holding Willow.

"Who would have thought we would get here?" Haymitch says.

It makes me realise how far we have come. Only eight years ago, President Snow ruled the country, all of the districts were living in poverty and The Hunger Games was an annual event. Now President Snow is dead, the whole of Panem lives freely and fairly, and there are no more Hunger Games.

When we first met Effie she was a Capitol citizen, she lived her life in luxury and was a fan of The Hunger Games. Now she lives in District 12, yes she still has her Capitol accent and some of her clothes are a little over the top for District 12, but she is a totally different person now.

Haymitch was a drunken mess who hated life. Only leaving his house to buy liquor or to mentor in the games. Now Haymitch doesn't drink and enjoys life.

As for Peeta and I. The boy with the bread, besides everything that has happened to him over the years he is still the same person, only MY boy with the bread. I never wanted marriage or children. Told myself I would live alone, hunting everyday until I no longer could. Now I am Katniss Mellark, married to Peeta Mellark and have three children, Aster, Willow and Rye. And I couldn't be happier.


Sorry it took me so long to update!! Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting, it means the world to me!!

- Megan x

- Twitter - @peetasbread7

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