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Triplets? How can there be three babies inside of me? How are we going to cope? What are the chances of me getting pregnant with triplets? What, one in 2,000? These questions circle of brain as I try to wrap of head around the fact that I am pregnant with triplets.

I only know one person who had triplets, Bonnie Doherty, She was a friend of my mothers. I was eight years old when I came home one day from hunting with my father, and she was laying on our wooden kitchen table, screaming in pain. I didn't see much because my father pulled me into the bedroom with Prim, but I remember how her screams turned into sobs and later that night my mother told me all three of the babies died.

I shiver at the thought of my babies dying and try to block it out. I turn look at Peeta and he has the biggest smile on his face. Seeing Peeta so happy washes away all of the fear inside of me, and I feel a smile spread across my face.

I look back towards nurse Thomson and she is smiling at us both, excitedly. "How didn't you know before?" I ask here, curious at the fact I'm five months pregnant and they only now know.

"With some women it's quite hard to tell, but now that you're at five months they are growing considerably, and you can just make them out." She says, pointing towards the three tiny blobs on the screen. Our three tiny babies. "Would you like to know the genders?"

I turn to Peeta and he nods. "Yes please." I tell her, trying to control my excitement.

She looks towards the screen again and smiles. "Two boys and a girl."

Two boys and a girl. Two boys and a girl. I'm going to have two sons and a daughter. Peeta and I are going to be parents of three.

"I'll give you both some time alone. You can wipe the gel off with this." Nurse Thomson says, passing me a paper towel and exiting the room.

I can't stop the smile on my face. I turn towards Peeta again and his smile has grown bigger. "Peeta, we are going to have two sons and a daughter." I say, laughing slightly, not really believing it.

"I know, it doesn't seem real!" He says, laughing. He looks at me in the eyes, and his eyes have turned an even more amazing shade of blue. He has the same look on his face as he did on our wedding day, like nothing else could top the moment, and all of his dreams had come true. I can't wait any longer so I lean in to kiss him, and we kiss like we did on our wedding day, the happiest people alive.


"We should invite everyone down for dinner tonight and tell them all about the triplets then." I tell Peeta, who agrees with a nod. "I'll go phone them."

I get up from Peeta's strong arms, and walk over to the phone, and returning to the couch to sit with him as I phone everyone. I phone Haymitch first who seems happy about getting some free food, then Effie who is delighted. I then phone, Pollux, Gale, Thom, Annie and Delly, who all happily agree to come.

"What do you want to eat tonight?" Peeta asks, stroking my hair, while my head rests on his chest.

I lift my head from his chest to look at him. "Can we have lamb stew with dried plumbs?" I ask him, a little too excitedly.

He laughs at my enthusiasm and nods. I kiss his cheek softly as a thank you, and rest my head back on his chest. "I'll start making it, it's 6.00pm and they're coming in an hour." Peeta says, planting a kiss on my head and walking into the kitchen.

"I'm going in the bath." I tell Peeta, getting up, trying to hold in my cries from the searing pain in my lower back. I sit back down on the edge of the couch, before attempting to make my way upstairs again. I clutch the edge of the couch, and push myself back up, finally succeeding although the pain is still terrible. I get to the middle of the stairs, when the pain gets unbearable and I feel my legs give way, leaving me to tumble down the stairs.


Thanks for reading, voting, commenting, I'll update soon! Love you all and May the Odds be Ever in Your Favour!

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