Bed rest

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12th June

Katniss POV

My eyes flutter open and I'm blinded by the stream of sunlight and the warm breeze that floods our bedroom due to the slightly ajar window. I sit up slightly and am immediately reminded of the searing pain in my back. I let out a slight cry of pain, trying to be quiet so I don't wake up Peeta because he hasn't had a decent nights sleep in so long. To my surprise he doesn't wake up, and only moves slightly. I decide not to risk moving again so I stay laying on my back, head turned to the left, so I'm staring at my sleeping husband.

My eyes scan over his features. He looks somewhat the same as he did when we were sixteen, only older, and forgetting the scars and burns. Looking at him, you could never imagine the terrible things he has been through.

Being abused by his mother, being picked at the reaping, going through two hunger games, loosing his leg in the process, being tortured by the Capitol, being hijacked, fighting in the rebellion, getting hit by a truck which resulted in being in a coma for two weeks.

After all of that, he is still the kind, loving boy that saved my life when I was twelve; my boy with the bread.

I'm brought out of my train of thought when Peeta starts to move. I can't help but laugh at him, which must wake him up as he digs his head into his pillow and moans.

"Katniss, what time is it?" He mumbles into his pillow.

I glance over to the clock on my bedside table and answer him. "10.30."

He lifts his head from his pillow, and looks at me, astonished. "What?" I ask him laughing. His blonde curls are sticking out in all directions, and he rubs his tired looking eyes, which are barely open.

"How am I so tired?" He asks in a husky morning voice.

"Probably because we didn't get home from the hospital until half past two this morning." I tell him, and he nods his head. "Go back to sleep sweetie, it's not like I'm going anywhere." I say. He looks confused at first but then he must remember about my bed rest.

"Wake me up in an hour." He mumbles, as he cuddles up to me, falling asleep again.

I must have fallen asleep too as I wake up again. I look over at the clock and it's 2.00pm! I turn back to Peeta and he's still fast asleep. I decide to wake him because I know he would want me too.

"Peeta, it's 2 o'clock." I whisper, shaking him lightly. "Wake up, sweetie."

He starts to move, and he finally opens his eyes. "Katniss?" He mumbles, his head in his pillow.

"Yeah?" I answer, stroking his curls.

"What time is it?" He asks.

"Two o'clock." I tell him, laughing slightly.

His head shoots up from the pillow and I can't but laugh at him. "You should have woken me! Do you need anything, are you feeling okay?" He asks, worriedly.

"I'm fine Peeta, stop worrying! I fell asleep too anyway." I tell him, and kiss him lightly.

"I better start breakfast. What do you fancy?" He asks, getting out of bed and pulling on his plaid pajama bottoms on over his boxers.

Being pregnant, I've been getting these really weird food cravings. Last week I had pickles and peanut butter for breakfast, and toast topped with ice cream for dinner.

"Don't laugh when I tell you what I want because I am pregnant with your babies, okay?" I say, with a small giggle.

He smiles at me before nodding his head. "Okay, I wont I promise."

"Bacon and eggs with chocolate sauce." I say. I'm not even joking I have been craving the weirdest things. Peeta obviously finds this amusing.

"Your messing with me aren't you? You can't actually want that." He says, laughing.

I try to stand my ground and be serious but I can't hold in my laughter. I start laughing with Peeta, and throw his pillow at him, which he sees coming and catches. "You said you wouldn't laugh!" I tell him, pretending to be annoyed which doesn't work for long as I start laughing again.

"Okay, okay! I'll go and make it." He says, kissing my forehead and going downstairs.

I lay in the same position, staring at the clock on my bedside table, hoping that this week will go quick but somehow I know it's going to go by very slowly.

Peeta returns ten minutes later with bacon, eggs and a bottle of chocolate sauce.

"Mad'am." Peeta says, placing the tray on my lap.

"Thank you." I smile, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

He settles down next to me with a plate of toast. I smother my food in chocolate sauce and take a bite. I look over at Peeta who is looking at me like I'm crazy. "What?" I ask, laughing at his expression.

"I can't believe your actually eating that!" He says.

"It's actually really nice, want some?" I ask him picking up another piece with my fork, and waving it in front of his face. He shakes is head, still laughing, taking a bite of his toast.

We finish our breakfast, and Peeta takes them downstairs. I hear Peeta walking back up the stairs, when a knock at the door sends him back down again.

I don't hear who's at the door, but two sets of footsteps make their way up the stairs.

Peeta walks back into the bedroom, sending me a soft smile, with Effie trailing behind him.

"Oh Katniss! Haymitch told me what happened. How are you feeling?" She asks, walking over and embracing me in a hug.

Peeta lays next to me on the bed and Effie sits on the couch in our room.

"I'm fine, I just can't wait for this week to be over!" I say, flashing a small smile.

"Now you two, I can't wait any longer and Haymitch won't tell me. What gender is the baby?" She squeals eagerly.

I glance at Peeta and we both smile. "We are expecting triplets!" I say, smiling. "Two boys and a girl."

Effie doesn't say anything at first but when the whole 'triplet' thing processes she is racing over to Peeta and I hugging us both so tightly that I'm struggling for breath.

"Oh my gosh! I'm so happy for you! I can tell already they are going to be so adorable, especially with you two as parents! They can all of little matching outfits and cute little booties, and-"

"Okay Effie, we still have another few months until their born!" Peeta says, cutting her off, laughing.

"I'm sorry!" She laughs. "I'm just so happy for you two."

"Thank you Effie." I say, genuinely.

I am honestly really happy that Effie is going to hopefully be a big part of my children's life, I know she'll love them almost as much as we do.


Kind of an awkward place to end it but I really wanted to get this chapter out tonight because I feel really bad for not updating. I went away for a week and there was no wifi and then it got deleted! Thanks so much for the lovely comments and for voting, I really appreciate it and it gives me so much more confidence. Love you all and May the Odds be Ever in your Favour!!

Megan x

Twitter - @peetasbread7

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