The Accident

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"What time is it?" I ask Peeta not lifting my head from his shoulder. He sits up and looks over to the clock on the bed side table.


"We are going are 5.30, I'm going to go in the shower. Care to join me?" I say with a smirk.

"I'd be honoured too." I says smirking too.

We take our clothes off and wash each other's hair and bodies in the shower.

I dry myself and walk over to the wardrobe in my knickers and bra looking for something nice to wear. I pick out a floral maxi dress as it's hot outside and pair it with some simple gold sandals.

I get changed I just decide to leave my hair in its natural waves. I walk over to the bed to grab my purse when Peeta turns around and stares at me.

"What?" I giggle.

"Jesus Christ" he breathes.

"What?" I giggle again.

"Can you get any more beautiful." he says not taking his eyes of me.

"Shut up!" I say blushing.

After he comes back to his senses he just rolls his eyes at me, knowing I can't take a compliment.

Peeta goes over to his wardrobe and changes into shorts and a burgundy shirt.

I walk over to him and wrap my arms around his neck and look into his eyes as his arms snake around my waist.

"Don't you look handsome." I say, smiling.

"Still don't understand how I got you." I says.

Got me? How did I get him, does he now how amazing he is?

"I don't know how I got you!" I say.

He presses his soft lips onto mine, although we kiss all of the time, I still get fireworks shooting through my body every time his lips are on mine, I don't think it will ever stop.

When we pull away I notice it's coming up to 5.30.

"Come on, it's nearly 5.30. We better go." I say grabbing his hand.

We walk down the stairs hand in hand, when we get down only Delly, Ansel and Ivy are there.

"Hey!" I say to them all and go and hug Delly. After I've hugged Delly I turn and see Peeta talking to Ivy. He looks so happy! It makes me think how much I want a family of my own.

Delly must notice the expression on my face as she asks me what's wrong.

"Oh nothing, I'm fine." I say trying to put a smile on my face.

Just then the others come down and we all head out to the restaurant.

The restaurant is lovely! It's right on the see front and you can here the waves crashing from outside.

We all sit down and order our food. There was so much choice and it all looked so delicious but in the end I went for Salmon and new potatoes.

The meal was wonderful! The food was amazing, especially the sticky toffee pudding!

After the meal we pay and start walking home. As we were walking along the sea front the sun was setting, it looked so beautiful above the glimmering sea. Sun set orange, Peeta's favourite colour. I reach up and kiss him on the cheek, remembering the train ride on the way to our second games.

"FINN!" Annie screams.

I turn my head quickly to see what's wrong and I see Finn running into the road chasing a balloon. I feel Peetas hand leave mine and he runs into the road pushing Finn out of the way when a truck comes charging towards him, crushing Peeta.


Ooo, cliff hanger! I'll try and update again today!

Love you, May the odds be ever in your favour!


Twitter- @peetasbread7

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