The funeral

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Bryony Langston died three days after her parents, Fleur and Pollux. It was heart wrenching. It's funny because you would think I would be used to my loved ones dying, but you could never get used to something so painful. After days of mourning, everyone is coming together today for the family's funeral. Somehow, everyone decided that I should speak about Pollux at the funeral. Peeta will be speaking about Bryony and Effie is speaking about Fleur.

I stare at myself in the mirror we have in our bedroom. The tight black dress I wear finishes just above my knees, revealing three burns along my calfs. It has been years since I first got these scars and I have learned to live with them, but each burn and each scar tells a story. Each a story I try my hardest to forget. I run my fingers delicately along a scar on my arm, when Peeta walks into the bedroom, dressed in a slick, black suit and tie. He stands behind me, running an arm around my waist and his other hand stroking the scar on my arm.

"I love your scars." He whispers, grazing his lips along my neck. "And I love you so much."

I close my eyes for a second, savouring this moment with my husband before turning around and kissing him full on the mouth. "I love you too." I whisper when I pull away. When he smiles I can't help the butterflies that appear in my stomach.

"You look beautiful." He says, holding my hand as we walk to the nursery.

"And you look handsome." I say, smiling at my husband.

When we reach the nursery, I find Willow, Rye and Aster playing on their play mat on the floor. Willow is dressed in a black dress and Rye and Aster are dressed in black trousers with a white shirt. We put the triplets in the pram before walking towards the meadow where the funeral is taking place.

"Are you okay about talking at the ceremony?" Peeta asks me as he walks next to me as I push the pram.

"Yeah I'm fine. I feel like I need to say something." I say, flashing a small smile in reassurance.

When we reach the meadow, I am met with a face I haven't seen since the end of the rebellion. "Cressida?" I say, as she walks over to us with a grin.

"It's been so long!" She exclaims with open arms. When she looks down at the pram, she gasps. "Annie told me that you'd had triplets, congratulations! They look so much like you both, so adorable!"

Peeta and I both laugh politely. Since the triplets were born I have never really known what to say to comments like that. I mean, do you say 'thanks' or is that bias?"We should probably find our seats. I'll see you later." I say and she nods, leaving to find her seat.

Gale, Rose, Hunter and Noah sit in the front row next to Johanna and Mitch. Peeta, the triplets and I are sat in the second row with Peeta's parents, his brother Max and his girlfriend Elia. Behind us are Haymitch and Effie, with Thom, Flora and Calla. In the back row are Delly, Ansel, Ivy and Ezra, next to Annie and Finn.

The ceremony is beautiful, I almost don't hear when they ask me up to the front to speak. I pick up Willow from my lap and sit her on Peeta's before walking up to the front. It's a scary thing, speaking in front of other people. Something that I have never really been good at, but Peeta is amazing at it. I hope my children are like Peeta in this way.

"When I was asked to speak at today's ceremony, I was consumed with panic because the most important things are the hardest to say." I begin. "Pollux was incredibly kind hearted and only had the best intentions. Everything that he accomplished throughout his life was for others. Pollux believed in me when I couldn't bring myself too and he helped me through many of my darkest hours and I am forever thankful for that. The suffering he was held to in the Capitol was torturous but I know, not being able to tell his wife or little girl something so important but so simple as 'I love you' was the worst kind of suffering there was for him. Pollux Langston was taken from us prematurely but I am certain he will never be forgotten and his memory will live on forever. Thank you."

When I finish there are muffled sobs and I go back to my seat. "That was beautiful." Peeta whispers in my ear as I pick up Willow and place her back onto my lap.

"Thank you." I whisper back as Effie walks to the front to speak about Fleur.

After Effie had spoken, it was Peeta's turn. His words mesmerised everyone at the ceremony. There was silence as he spoke, even the babies were silent as everyone absorbed his words. Peeta really does have a way with words.

After the ceremony it is fairly late so Peeta and I take the triplets home to bed. I dress them in their pajamas then place them into their cots.

I kiss all three of their foreheads and whisper 'I love you' and they all fall straight asleep. I go back into our bedroom and change into one of Peeta's t-shirts. When I go back into the triplet's room I find Peeta staring into their cots and brushing Willow's blonde curls out of her face. It amazes me, how much he loves them. Whenever he sees them the look in his eyes is...magical. It reminds me why I brought them into this world, and all of the fear I once had now seems unthinkable.

As I stand in the doorway, watching them, Peeta turns around and smiles when he sees me. He places both of his hands on my cheeks and kisses me so passionately.

"What was that for?" I smile."It's just my way of saying thank you, for the most wonderful gifts, that only you could give me." He says.

His response, makes me stir inside. I can't contain the hunger that takes over, so I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his torso, kissing him hungrily.

We continue kissing as he walks steadily back into our bedroom with me still in his arms. He lays me down gently onto our bed and hovers over me, our lips never parting. In seconds he is ripping the t-shirt from my body and I am pulling down his pajama bottoms while his lips move onto my neck. Our underwear are the next items to be thrown onto the floor and he soon enters me. I move my hips to the rhythm and moan loudly, completely forgetting about the three sleeping one year olds in the opposite room.

"Shh." Peeta says, but it sounds more like a moan than an instruction.

When we both reach our points, Peeta collapses onto the bed next to me and we both struggle to catch our breath.

"I love you." He breathes, turning to look me in the eyes.

I smile. "I love you too."


Firstly, I want to give @hichloeex a shout out because her stories about The Hunger Games and Everlark are amazing, you really need to go and read them! Plus, she is the sweetest person ever:) A lot of you were asking in the comments for a bit more 'action' so I hope this is okay! I want to thank you all for the lovely and sweet comments you have been writing because it boosts my confidence so much!! It means so much to me that you are enjoying this book. Thank you!

- Megan x

- Twitter - @_hutcherwife

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