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~~Katniss POV~~

Katniss and Peeta came back from their honeymoon last week.

I wake up and Peeta is still asleep beside me so I go downstairs to try and make some breakfast, I'm an awful cook! that's why Peeta always cooks!!

I boil the kettle and pour some cereal into a bowl and add some milk. When my hot chocolate was done I wrap my fingers around the warm mug and take a sip when I hear a knock at the door.

I get up, taking my hot chocolate with me to go and answer the door.

I open the door and Johanna and Annie are standing there.

Annie lives next door to us with her son Finn, and Johanna lives next to her with her boyfriend Mitch.

Everybody moved her after the rebellion including Effie, Beetee, Pollux and Gale and his family moved back from District 2 last year, they all live in the Victors Village with us.

"Annie, Johanna!" I say

"Hey brainless." Johanna says bluntly

Annie gives her a look and hits her with her elbow.

"Come in!"

They both walked in and sat on the couch.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"Oh I'll have a coffee thanks Katniss." Annie says sweetly.

"I'll have the same thanks brainless." Johanna says with a smirk on her face.

I go and get the drinks and when I'm coming out of the kitchen, Peeta comes down the stairs only wearing checked Pajama pants.

"Katniss, I bet your a satisfied customer." She said wiggling her eyebrows at me and Peeta.

I have to admit, he did look pretty sexy walking down those stairs!

"JOHANNA!" Annie squeals.

"Morning girls." Peeta laughs and kisses my head.

I just stand there feeling my face burn up staring at my feet, I only have the nerve to walk again about 5 minutes later.

I sit down with the girls and we all drink our drinks.

"Katniss, me and Johanna are going into town today to do some shopping and we were wondering if you wanted to come?" Annie asks.

"Yeah I'd love to come, let me go and get dressed and then we can go." I say.

"Okay!" Annie says.

I go into the kitchen and tell Peeta I'm going shopping with Johanna and Annie, then go upstairs to get ready.

When I'm ready, I come downstairs to Peeta and the girls talking on the couch.

"Ready to go?" I ask them and they nod.

"See you later, I won't be back late." I say to Peeta and give him a quick kiss.

Me, Johanna and Annie head towards the door.

"Bye, love you." I say to Peeta.

"Love you too." he says back and me, Johanna and Annie leave the house.

"I'm so happy for you Katniss." Annie says with a smile.

"What you mean?" I ask her

"You and Peeta! He really loves you."

"I know."

"Oh come on, enough of her and lover boy, where are we going? I'm starving!" Johanna moans

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