Coming Home

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13th March

It has been 5 days since Peeta has woken up and he is finally allowed to leave today. I'm so happy Peeta is being discharged today so we can get back to normal and sleep in our own bed, and I know he is too. Everyone left yesterday to get back to twelve, Peeta and I are going back today. My morning sickness has been getting worse every day and it's been horrible, Peeta has been with me the whole time though.

I'm standing in the bathroom in Peetas hospital room and staring at myself in the mirror. I have changed so much over the past 6 years, on the inside and out. I don't look anything like I did when I was 16, I still wear a braid now and again but that's not it. I look like a woman. With everything that has happened over the past couple of years and everything I have been through, it's changed me and definitely for the better. Although it wasn't just the games it was someone else too. When I was 16 I didn't want to marry or have children, and here I am, married to the most amazing man in the entire world and carrying his child. And that man is Peeta Mellark.

The bathroom door is open slightly and I can see him sitting on the edge of the bed in the mirror tying his shoelaces, double knot of course, and I can't help but smile like an idiot. He looks up and our eyes lock in the mirror. I can't seem to get rid of the cheesy smile that's plastered on my face. He grins at me, stands up and walks into the bathroom. He wraps his arms around my waist from behind and whispers "What are you smiling at?"

I laugh and lean my head back onto his shoulder. "I'm just happy." I say, still smiling like an idiot. "Good." He says back, a huge smile creeping onto his face too. I turn my body around in his arms and press my lips to his gently. There will never be any words to describe the sensation I get all around my body when Peeta and I kiss, it's just so magical, like he is taking me into a word with just me and him.

We break apart and I lean my forehead against his. "You ready to go home?" I ask him. "More than ready." He replies, takes my hand and leads my into the hospital room. I grab my bag, and he takes his and we walk down to reception to sign out, hand in hand.


Peeta and I walk together through, the victors village and up to our house. He opens the door and walks inside and I follow behind him.

"So nice to be home." I say, dropping my bags.

"I know, even though we slept for basically the whole train ride and I've been in a coma for 2 weeks I'm so tired!" he laughs.

"So am I! Come on." I say dragging him up the stairs.

He follows me up to our bedroom and we both collapse onto the bed. Peeta pulls the covers over us and I snuggle into his chest.

"I've been waiting 3 weeks for this." I say and sigh.

He pulls me closer into him if that's even possible, and plants a kiss on top of my head.

"I love you so much Katniss Mellark." He whispers. Every time I hear him say that it gives me chills, I can't describe the feeling.

"I love you too Peeta Mellark, more than anything." I whisper back and then I fall into the best sleep I've had in weeks.


Sorry it's short and quite boring but I promise the next few chapters will be better! Love you all and May the Odds be Ever in your Favour!

Megan x

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