Will our lives ever be normal?

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Peetas POV

As I cut up the lamb for tonight I hear a loud bang. I set down the knife I was using and walk into the living room, to be greeted by a sight that has occurred in almost every nightmare I have suffered. Katniss, laying unconscious at the bottom of the stairs.

"Katniss!" I scream, running towards her, getting down onto my knees and bringing her head onto my lap. Tears stream down my face, as I try to get her to answer me, even though I know it's hopeless.

Haymitch must have heard me screaming as he bursts through the door. "What the hell is going on, you two better not be screwing because your already pregnant Katniss." he shouts, then notices Katniss on the floor. "Peeta, what happened?" He says, softly but I can hear the worry in his voice.

"I don't know, I was in the kitchen and I heard a bang and Katniss was laying here like this. She must have fallen down the stairs or something." I say, struggling to get my words out.

"We need to get her to the hospital." Haymitch says, bending down, to pick her up.

"Haymitch we can't move her, we could hurt her or the babies. Phone the ambulance." I instruct him. I know Haymitch would have usually picked up on the term 'babies' but I think he's too worried to think about that right now. He might act tough but Katniss is like his daughter, it's obvious how much he cares for her.

I was too caught up in trying to get Katniss to answer me that I didn't realise the ambulance was already here. Two doctors burst through the door, not wasting any time, and carry here out to the ambulance waiting outside.

"You go with her, I'll catch up." Haymitch says, and I jump into the ambulance.

I take Katniss' hand into my own, the small gesture sends memories of Katniss and I, circling my brain. When we held hands on the chariots before the 74th games, the victory interview after our first games and the victory tour. The chariots before the quarter quell, and in the clock arena. When I asked her to marry me, our wedding day, when she told me she was pregnant, and every other time we held hands just because we wanted too. All of those times, Katniss held my hand too, but now her hand lays motionless in mine.

"How many weeks pregnant is she sir?" The doctor asks me bringing me out of my trance, and looking up from his clipboard.

It takes me a few seconds to gather my thoughts and remember, but then I finally tell him,

"About 21 weeks." Thinking it may be important I add, "With triplets."

The doctors heads shoots up from his clipboard and looks at me wide eyed, with a fear that wasn't there until now. "Triplets?"

"Yes, what's the matter? Why is it such a worry?" I stutter, as a new kind of fear that concerns my children stirs inside of me.

"With multiples there is always an extra risk and because there's three babies, well there is an even higher risk of.."

"Death?" I choke, finishing the doctors sentence.

He nods, and avoids eye contact with me the rest of the trip there.

They wheel Katniss into the hospital and more nurses and doctors begin to appear out of nowhere, and take her into a room. I stay with Katniss the whole way but when I go to follow her into the room two nurses stop me. "I'm sorry sir, you are going to have to wait in the waiting room."

"What? No, I have to go with her." I shout at them, trying to get passed them but they just pull me away towards the waiting room.

I eventually give in, knowing there is nothing else I can do. I sit in the waiting room, trying not to think about what could be happening in that room. Maybe there are trying to figure out how to tell me my children have died? Or even worse, Katniss too.

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