We couldn't be happier

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The triplets are almost eight months old now. All three of them are developing well and they have recently started crawling. The triplets don't wake up as much in the night as they used to but I still haven't had a good nights sleep since before they were born.

Today is Peeta's twenty fifth birthday. I have planned for everyone to go to the lake to celebrate. Effie and Haymitch are coming of course, along with Johanna and her boyfriend Mitch. Gale's family, Pollux' family, Delly's family and Thom's family are all coming. As well as Peeta's family, and also Annie and Finn.

I have woken up extra early to make Peeta breakfast in bed. He made such a fuss of me on my twenty fifth birthday, I want to do the same for him, he deserves it and so much more.

Willow is wide awake and still loves to be in Peeta's or my arms. I hold her on my hip as I make eggs on toast, describing what I'm doing because Flora said it helps them begin to talk.

I go back upstairs and lay Willow on our bed next to a still sleeping Peeta whispering "Mummy won't be long" before I go to get Aster and Rye who are now wide awake in their cots. When I come back into our room, Peeta is sitting up in bed with Willow in his arms.

His face breaks out into a huge smile when I walk into our room which makes my heart melt. "Happy birthday!" I say and sit on the bed next to him, with Aster and Rye in my lap.

He leans in to kiss me, the kiss makes me forget everything and I am only brought back to my senses when Rye starts pulling on the end of my braid.

Peeta eats his breakfast, and makes me eat some even though I said it was for him. I reach into the draw beside my bed and pick out Peeta's birthday present that I have been working on for weeks.

I hand it to him and say, "Sorry it's not much, I didn't know what to get you."

"You didn't have to get me anything, Katniss. I already have everything I wanted!" He says.

"Shut up and open it!" I laugh.

He unwraps it, then runs his fingers over the writing on the front cover gently. "Our little family." Peeta whispers, reading the writing.

"Open it." I say

He lifts the front cover gently, like if he used too much force it will smash into a million pieces. He flicks through the book without saying a word, so I break the silence.

"It's a photo book for our family. I put in pictures of us at our wedding and the triplets and then we can add to it over the years. Do you like it?"

He nods and hugs me tight, being careful not to squish the triplets. "Thank you, Katniss."

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." He whispers back.

Peeta leans back against the bed and I lay my head on his shoulder, stroking Aster's curly blonde hair.

"They are already eight months old. It's all going so fast!" I say.

"I know. They'll be moving out before we know it." He says, cradling a sleeping Willow in his arms.

"Don't say that! They are staying here with us, I don't care, they're my babies." I say, kissing Rye and Aster's heads.

Peeta laughs lightly. "What?" I question.

"It's just that you thought you were going to be an awful mother, and you are so good with them!" Peeta says. "I don't know what you were so scared about."

"I don't know. I was just scared that they would get taken from me like most of my friends and family." I say, and a shiver running through my spine as I begin to think about all of the people we lost in the rebellion.

It's silent for a while, until I break it.

"We've done okay, haven't we?" I say.

"What do you mean?" Peeta asks.

"I mean, after everything we have been through. I bet nobody thought we would get to where we are now." I say.

"Yeah. Although, nobody ever could predict what we would do next." Peeta says, with a smile.

"Yeah. But I'm happy with our choices." I say, thinking about our marriage and Willow, Rye and Aster. I lean up to kiss Peeta, and I really couldn't be happier.


I had originally planned to make this a long chapter and to write about Peeta's birthday party too but I realised that I hadn't updated in ages, so I really wanted to get this chapter published. So, the next chapter will be about Peeta's birthday party instead. Sorry about the wait for the update, but I have finished school for two weeks now for Easter break so I will hopefully be able to update more. Thank you so much for, reading, voting and commenting!

- Megan x

- Twitter - @_hutcherwife

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