Honeymoon part1

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~~Authors Note~~

I am so so sorry,I feel so awful for not updating!!


My eyes flickered open to Peetas perfect sleeping face, our legs tangled together. I sat up, realised we were both naked and took in the room, it was a mess to say the least!

Our clothes were all over the floor along with my birth control pills, oil, condom wrappers and about 5 condoms all over the floor and some other things I don't really want to know why were on the floor.

I defiantly have an idea about what happened.

I come back to reality when I feel the bed shift, I look over to Peeta and he's also taking in the room trying to figure out what happened last night.

"Looks like we had fun last night." Peeta says smirking.

"Looks like it!" I reply.

I roll over onto Peeta and start to kiss him passionately.

God I love him!!

We lay there for about 10 minutes just making out when we hear the speaker say that we will arrive in district four in an hour.

"Better start cleaning up." I tell Peeta looking around the room.

I roll of Peeta and we both get up and pull our underwear on, and start to clean up the mess.

We finish 30 minutes later,get dressed quickly and then we are finally at district 4!


I open the door to our beach house that is literally in the middle of know where surrounded by sand and sea, with nobody else around.

I step inside with Peeta following me and gasp. Its absolutely perfect! It's not too big,with a bathroom with a bath and shower,our bedroom,kitchen and a living room.

"Peeta it's beautiful!" I say turning to face him, unable to hold back my smile.

"I know, this week should be fun." Peeta says smiling too.

We both unpack our things and go outside onto the sand, we both sit, my head leaning on Peetas chest, staring at the clear blue sea, enjoying each other's company.

Peeta kisses the top of my head, just a simple gesture but it sends shivers throughout my whole body.

"I love you so so much Katniss Mellark."

I can't help but smile.

"I love you more than words can even describe Peeta Mellark."

I turn around to kiss him and we lay on the sand for another 3 hours just kissing,hugging and laughing before we decide to head to bed.

We both lay in bed, both our heads on our pillows, our faces literally a couple of centimetres apart, staring into each other's eyes, smiling.

I stare into Peetas gorgeous blue eyes. I seriously cannot even describe how lucky I am to get a husband as wonderful and sexy as Peeta!

"How did I get so lucky to get you?" I ask him.

He laughs slightly.

"Shouldn't I be saying that? I'm the one who's had a crush on you since I was 5!"

I laugh and lean in to kiss him.

"I love you Peeta." I say into his lips.

"I love you too Katniss." he says back.

About 30 minutes later we start to get tired so we go to sleep, Peetas arms wrapped around me.

~~~authors note~~~

Sorry it's short, promise I'll update this weekend! I'm so so sorry about not updating in so long!! yeah so I'm so sorry!

May the odds be ever in your favour!

Love you, Megan💕


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