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I walk slowly over to him, my whole body shaking. I walk over to the bed and brush his soft curls away from his forehead and kiss it softly, and take a seat next to his bed. I take his hand in mine and bring it to my lips, kissing it gently.

"Please wake up." I practically beg him. "I love you so much, please don't leave me. I can't go on without you." I say wiping away the tears running down my face with the back of my hand.


It all happened so fast, I can't seem to get my head around it all. One minute I'm shouting at them for constantly sucking on each other's faces, and the next he's laying motionless in the road.

He can't die, he just can't. That boy is practically my son, he's been through so much. Getting abused as a kid, going through two hunger games, getting tortured by the Capitol, then fighting a rebellion, and now this. They both deserved a happy ever after, raising a family together. I know for a fact if that boy dies, there's no chance she'll survive, she'll most definitely kill herself.

She's been in there for an hour, I'm going to check on them. I walk up to the front desk to ask where Peetas room is and she sends me to room 317. I walk through the corridors until I come to his room.

I gently turn the handle and step inside the room. He looks awful, I don't know how she can cope. Katniss is asleep, resting her head on his hand. Her tear stained cheeks make it obvious she's been crying again, I don't blame her. I'm not going to lye, I'm on the verge of tears.

I take a seat in the corner of the room, and fall asleep in a matter of seconds.


I wake up to sun streaming through the windows. I sit up, rubbing my back as I was hunched over all night. I look around the room and see Haymitch asleep in the corner.

I look up at Peeta and stroke his hair. "Morning sweetie." I whisper trying to hold it together, I know I have to be strong for him.

"Hey sweetheart." Haymitch says. I smile slightly, "Morning" I say back.

"I'm going to get some breakfast, you want anything?" he asks.

"Can I just have a hot chocolate please?" I ask and he nods and walks out.

I stare at his face. His gorgeous, sexy, handsome face. The face I fell in love with. He looks so innocent, like everything that's happened in the past never happened. I begin to stroke his soft curls and get so mesmerised by him I don't even notice Effie walk in.

"Katniss?" she says quietly.

I look up from Peeta and towards Effie and give her a soft smile.

"How you doing darling?" she asks softly, walking over to the other side of Peetas bed.

I sniffle slightly, don't cry Katniss. Don't cry, keep it together!!

"I don't know" That's when the tears start to stream again, well done Katniss.

"Oh sweetie, come here." she says coming over to me, engulfing me in a hug. I know I've been a bitch to Effie in the past, and she can be very irritating, but I do love Effie. I did forgive my mother before she died, I know it was hard for her, but I have always seen Effie as my mother too.

"I'm sorry." I whisper wiping the tears away.

"You've got nothing to be sorry for darling." she whispers.

When I've calmed down Effie takes a seat next to me.

"Everyone's going to come by in a little. Pollux and Fleur told me to send you both their love as Bryony isn't very well so they won't be coming by." She says.

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