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We are taking Willow, Rye and Aster home today. The doctors wanted to keep us at the hospital for longer than usual because it was a multiple birth and they wanted to keep an eye on Aster as he wasn't breathing when he was born, but we are all finally going home today.

All of our friends have come to the hospital to see the triplets over the last few days. Ivy was probably the most excited! She is definitely going to be like a big sister to the triplets.

"I'm going to sign the discharge papers." Peeta says.

"Okay, I'm going to get them changed." I tell Peeta, he nods and leaves.

I dress the triplets in the sweetheart jumpsuits Haymitch bought for them at my baby shower. Willow wears the pink one that reads 'sweetheart 2', Rye the green one that reads 'sweetheart 3' and Aster the blue one that says 'sweetheart 4'. They really do look adorable.

"They said we can leave when we are ready." Peeta says, walking back into the room.

I nod. "Look how adorable they look, Peeta."

He walks over and sits next to me on the bed, admiring our children. "I'm so happy, Katniss. Thank you." He says and smiles like I have only seem twice before, on our wedding day and when I told him I was pregnant.

"So am I." I say and we kiss. We kiss like we did on the beach in the Quarter Quell, we kiss like we did when we got engaged, we kiss like we did on our wedding day and we kiss like we did when the triplets were born.

"Come on, we better get going. I can't wait to get home." Peeta says and he picks up Willow and Rye and I take Aster.

We strap them into their car seats and get in ourselves. As Peeta drives he holds my hand and kisses it now and again. It's these little gestures that make me so unbelievably happy. I love Peeta with all my heart but when he kisses my hand, hugs me from behind or kisses my forehead, I love him even more if it is even possible.

"Are you still sore?" Peeta asks me, stroking the back of my hand.

"Only slightly. I'm okay." I tell him.

"I love you, Katniss." He says.

"I love you too." I tell him.

When we get home we take the triplets straight to the nursery. Peeta pushes the door open and we walk in, every time I go in here I am mesmerized by the beautiful paintings on the walls. Rye and Aster are fast asleep so I place them both in their cribs. Willow is wide awake in Peeta's arms and seems to love the nursery. She is staring at the wall where the huge dandelion is painted with a huge smile on her face.

I walk over to Peeta and kiss Willows forehead gently. "You did such a good job." I tell Peeta. "She loves it!"

I lean up to kiss him and it is the first proper kiss we have shared since before I had the triplets. The kiss is full of love and passion, we don't need words, a simple kiss can show what a thousand words can't. Willow begins to fall asleep in Peeta's arms so he lays her gently in her crib.


I am awoken by my baby's screams for the forth time tonight. It is the first night at our house with the triplets and it is already proving to be a lot harder than I thought. I get up from our bed and Peeta stops me.

"Go back to sleep, I'll see to them." He says, getting up from the bed.

"No, you got up last time. It's okay." I tell him.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yeah, go back to sleep." I tell him, leaving our bedroom.

I walk into the nursery and find Aster screaming his little lungs out. Thankfully he hasn't woken up Willow or Rye, but I take him downstairs into the living room just in case. I sit down on the couch and rock him in my arms which normally calms him down but it's not working.

"What's wrong, sweetie? Mummy's tired." I coo.

When I give up on rocking him back and forth I decide he is probably hungry so I bring him up to my breast and he sucks. He eats for 5 minutes and then falls back asleep in my arms. I take him back into the nursery and lay him in his crib.

When I get back to bed, Peeta is fast asleep. I wouldn't change the triplets for the world but

people don't exaggerate, it's hard. Peeta and I are definitely in for a difficult few months.


Thank you so much for reading, commenting and voting!! It means so much to me:)

- Megan x

- @_hutcherwife

I changed my twitter username so it's the same account, just a different username:)

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