I love you

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7th March

It's been two weeks since the accident. Two weeks since I've seen Peeta's beautiful blue eyes or his gorgeous smile, it's been hell. I had a check up on the baby a couple of days ago, everythings fine and i'm 1 month pregnant so the baby is due in November. I miss Peeta so much, Haymitch has been helping me through it. I've only been back to Annie's house twice since the night I found out I was pregnant and that's only because Haymitch practically carried me there. I have to be here if he wakes up.

It's 10.00pm and Haymitch, Johanna and Mitch just left to go back to Annie's. Haymitch, like he does everyday tried to convince me to go with them but I'm not leaving Peeta's side.

Since i'm pregnant i've been really tired, I've fallen asleep three times today and I'm still really tired now. I reach up and kiss Peeta's forehead before whispering 'I love you' into his ear and resting my head on the side of his bed before sleep takes over.

I wake up to the sound of my name. "Katniss?" I open my eyes and lift my head from the side of the bed. I look around and nobody's here, then my eyes meet his sparkling blue eyes. "Peeta" I whisper. Then the tears begin to flow. I can't help it so I just sit there and cry.

"Katniss whats wrong? Come her-" Before he can even finish his sentence I'm in his arms, crying into his chest.

Right at this moment I feel like all of my worries and fears have been taken away. I'm in the arms of the man I love and I couldn't have asked for anything better right now.

"I missed you so much." I sob. "I can't believe your awake."

"How long have I been out?" He questions, as I lift my head from his chest. He moves up on the bed so I can lay next to him.

"Two weeks." I say looked down, not wanting to think about those weeks. "Are you okay?" he says brushing some of my hair behind my ears. I nod slightly, "It was so horrible without you. I didn't know if you were going to wake up." I say sniffling. He doesn't say anything, just bring me closer to him and kisses me softly but passionatly. I cannot explain how good this feels, its been two weeks since i have felt these lips on mine and I couldn't be any happier right now. I'm savouring every moment of this kiss when I remember he doesn't know i'm pregnant. I pull away even though I really don't want to but I have to tell him now. "What?" he asks, and I can see the disapointment in his eyes.

"I need to tell you something." I say with a smile. "Go on."

I bring my lips to his ear, like I did when he was in a coma and whisper, "I'm pregnant." I lean back to see the look on his face. Apart from our wedding day I don't think I have ever seen him so happy, a huge smile is plastered on his face and the his eyes are even more sparkling and gorgeous! "Are you being serious." he asks. "Peeta of course I am." I say with a giggle. He smashes his lips onto mine and our lips move in perfect sinc like they always do. The kiss is so beautiful, it's filled with so much love and passion.

We pull away and lay back down and lay in eachothers arms. "How far along are you?" Peeta asks breaking the silence. "One month. I'm due in November, I went for my first scan a couple of days ago and everything is fine and she's healthy." I say with a smile.

"She?" He says raising his eyebrows. I knew he would pick up on that!

"What? Mothers instinct." I smirk.

"Whatever you say." he smiles. The smile on his face hasn't even faded slightly since I told him I was pregnant.

"GOD PEETA STOP SMILING!" I say sarcastically.

"What? Katniss i'm happy let me be happy" he says smirking.

I smile and not being able to resist the temptation any longer connect our lips. Although the kiss is rough and passionate, it's also filled with so much love. I still get the tingling sensation inside of me that occurs everytime we kiss since our first kiss in the cave or on the beach in the quarter quell.

We both pull away and I snuggle down next to him. I hear him wince a little when I move closer to him and I move quickly and look up at him, concern painted all over my face. "I'm sorry, are you okay? What hurts?" I say worriedly.

He just smiles at me. "Katniss at fine!"

I can tell he's lying though and he knows I know. "Peeta you and I both know your lying" I say wraising my eyebrows. He looks at me and finally gives in. "It's just that my ribs are quite sore and my leg hurts a bit i'm fine though." He says soflty.

"I'm sorry, i'll go get the nurse. See if she has any medicine." I say, getting of the bed.

I feel Peeta's arm pull me back down onto the bed. "No Katniss, don't go. Stay here with me, please?" He pleads. I can see it in his eyes that he really doesn't want me to go so I stay, careful not to hurt him.

We just lay there for a while in each others arms. I glance at the clock and notice it's 3.30am. I lay my head back down and hear Peetas heavy breathing and know he's asleep. I have to convince myself that he's not in a coma anymore and he's just sleeping. Then once agian I fall asleep in the arms of my husband.

Sorry it's not that long. I have been so busy lately with homework, exams coming up etc so sorry for not updating as much lately. Hope you enjoyed that chapter anyway! Comment, vote, share whatever! If you have any ideas for the upcoming chapters or anything you would like to see done better please tell me in the comments!! Love you all and May the odds be ever in your favour! Megan x

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