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I shoot up in bed. The pain in my lower tummy increasing until it feels unbearable and then fades away. This is the third time tonight that I have woken up like this. The first two times I waved it off, telling Peeta it was only braxton hicks and that I was fine. It is only when I feel a cold liquid running down my leg that I know it's happening, I am going into labour.

Remarkably, Peeta hasn't woken up. As I feel another round of pain coming on, I slap him, hard. He grunts and pulls his pillow over his head. When the contraction hits, I cling onto the bed sheet and scream his name to wake him up again. He responds this time and as soon as he sees me in this position, he is wide awake, asking me what's wrong.

"My water broke, their coming, Peeta!" I tell him, still gripping onto the bed sheets.

He looks like a lost puppy, frozen, not knowing what to do. "Peeta! We need to go to the hospital!" I scream.

Startled by my screaming, he shakes his head to get out of whatever dream world he was in. "Okay, okay."

He grabs the hospital bag that we prepared last week and pulls on some clothes that were lying around. "Do you want me to carry you to the car?"

We bought the car a few year ago. We don't use it very often but I am definitely thankful that we have it now!

I shake my head. "No, just help me please."

He nods and helps me get up from the bed. We slowly walk out to the car and Peeta carefully puts me down onto the front seat as if I could shatter into a million pieces at any


Peeta holds my hand all the way to the hospital, I experience another two contractions on the way there. When we finally get there Peeta helps me out of the car and helps me to walk into the hospital. The receptionist sends us to room 271 where Nurse Thomson is waiting, she has been our midwife ever since I found out I was pregnant.

Nurse Thomson tells me to lay on the bed and goes to get me a hospital gown.

"How are you feeling? Are you in much pain?" Peeta asks me as he kisses my hand.

The pain isn't too bad right now. It's bearable and definitely isn't as bad as some of the pain I have experienced throughout my life.

I shake my head. Then a thought hits me. They aren't due for three weeks. I have been so caught up in the pain and getting to the hospital that I haven't even thought about it.

"Peeta, they aren't due for three weeks. What if something is wrong?" I say, starting to panic.

"Katniss, calm down. It will be okay, I promise." He says, stroking my hair softly because he knows that's how I will relax.

Nurse Thomson is back a few minutes later and I change into the hospital gown.

"Okay, Katniss. You weren't supposed to be due for another three weeks, so they may be a bit smaller than we would usually like when they are born. But as you are having multiples it is normal for them to arrive slightly early so don't panic." She says which does calm me down a little.

"How far apart are your contractions, Katniss?" She asks.

"About 5 or 10 minutes apart, I think." I tell her and she nods.

"Okay, I just need to check how far along you are." She says.

It doesn't hurt when she checks how far along I am, just extremely uncomfortable.

When she is finished she nods. "It's looking good, everything seems normal. You are 4 centimetres dilated at the moment, so now it's just waiting around for a while until you are fully dilated."

That's what happens. As the hours go by the contractions get stronger and my screaming gets louder. When I am finally at ten centimetres and Nurse Thomson tells me to start pushing I am relieved.

"Okay Katniss, on the next contraction you need to push really hard, okay?" She says and I nod.

The pain is extreme. It feels as though someone has stabbed me in my lower abdomen and is twisting the knife inside of me. When I feel the next contraction coming on, I squeeze Peeta's hand and push, only thinking about the wonderful gifts I will get at the end of all this pain.

"Well done, Katniss. I can see the first head! Keep going." She encourages me. Peeta leaves my side for a moment to take a look and the look on his face is wonderful. He isn't

disgusted, he just looks full of love and that is what makes me carry on.

I push my hardest on another three contractions, then Nurse Thomson says that the next push will get the first baby out.

When the contraction hits, I squeeze Peeta's hand and push with every ounce of strength I have inside of me. Then I feel relief and hear a babies cry.

"It's a girl!" Nurse Thomson says as she cleans her up.

I look over to Peeta next to me and I don't think I have ever seen him this happy. He leans down to kiss me quickly before Nurse Thomson comes over and places our baby girl in my arms.

All of the fear that I once had is washed away. The uncertainty of being a good mother, the horrifying thoughts I had about bringing something this precious into a world where President Snow once ruled. All washed away, by this small gift I hold in my arms. My daughter.

As I focus more I notice the blonde curls on her head and as she opens her small eyes I am greeted by my own grey eyes. I lift my hand and stroke her blonde curls like I sometimes do to Peeta.

I look up to Peeta and there are tears streaming down his face. "She has your hair." I tell him and he nods.

"And your eyes." He says, staring down at her. "She's so beautiful."

"Have you chosen a name for her?" Nurse Thomson asks. Straight away I remember the day, under the willow tree in the meadow where we decided on their names.

I nod. "Willow."

Unwillingly, I lift my arms and place her in Peeta's arms. I watch him hold our first born child, our daughter. I swear to you, I have never seen Peeta happier than I do in this moment. All the worry that his flashbacks and nightmares would cause pain to her is washed away.

All too soon, this perfect moment is being cut off by my screams as another contraction hits. I push with everything I have for two contractions then, once again I am relieved from all of the pain.

"The first boy!" Nurse Thomson says before she cleans him up a little.

She comes back over to me with my son and places him in my arms. Like his sister, he has the same blonde curls and grey eyes. I look up to Peeta and I say, "Rye."

He nods as I place his son in his arms. He leans down to kiss Rye's head and I notice how similar they look, apart from my grey eyes. "He looks like his daddy."

Our last son seems to be eager to get out as the contractions begin again. Luckily his eagerness means less pushing for me, so one push and my last baby is out.

Although, unlike his brother and sister, I do not hear his cries. I look quickly up to Nurse Thomson and concentration takes over her face as she blocks my view and begins rubbing my son with a towel.

I start to panic. What's wrong? What's happening? I look to Peeta, terrified. I am sure his face looks the same as mine right now as happy tears turn to terrified ones. The seconds that go by without hearing my sons cries seem like hours. It is endless. I begin to give up hope, that he is dead. But then I hear his soft cries. The relief that I feel is incredible. My sad tears soon turn back into happy ones, all of my babies are okay.

My son is placed in my arms, and I know his name straight away, Aster. He looks like his brother and sister, the same blonde curls and grey eyes. They are all so beautiful.

For the first time, Peeta and I are truly happy.


Katniss gave birth! This chapter took me so long to write so I am sorry about the wait for the update. Thank you so much for all of your support, it means the world to me, honestly! Thank you for reading, commenting and voting!

- Megan x

Twitter - @peetasbread7

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