Wedding Planning

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I wake up and look up at Peeta, to see him still asleep. I looks so peaceful when he sleeps, like the games or the rebellion or anything had never happened.

With my head still on his chest I lay there just staring at his gorgeous face, I'm really the luckiest woman alive!

As I'm staring, Peetas eyes flutter open.

"Morning, my beautiful fiancé." He says kissing me lightly.

I giggle and blush slightly.

"Morning Peeta." I say and kiss him again, but more passionately.

Peeta breaks away, and I give him a sad,puppy dog look.

He laughs and says, "I'm going to take a shower, would you care to join me Miss Everdeen, soon to Mrs Mellark?"

I giggle and say, "I'd be delighted to Mr Mellark."

Peeta grabs my hand, and we both walk in our bathroom together.

I take Peetas pajama bottoms of as we never wearing a top to bed and Peeta pulls his top of me, I always where his t-shirts to bed, they are just so comfy!

I turn the shower on and we both stepped in.

We kiss intensely, his lips feel so good against mine. We wash each other and then get out to get changed for the day.

"I'll go and make breakfast." he says walking out of the room.

"Okay, I'll be down in a minute."

I finish braiding my hair and walk down stairs to the smell of sweet pancakes.

I walk up behind Peeta cooking and wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his cheek.

He turns around to face me and we kiss softly, but passionately.

"We should tell everyone today." he says.

"I know, we'll go and see Haymitch after breakfast." I reply.

After we eat we head of to Haymitchs house.

I knock on the door and to our surprise he's actually sober for once.

"Sober today are we?" I say walking in, clinging onto Peetas hand.

"Very funny." he replies.

Me and Peeta sit on the sofa opposite Haymitch in his arm chair.

"So, why are you here, because I doubt you came by to say hi your mentor." he says to us.

I look at Peeta and he nods.

"Peeta proposed!" I say.

"I always knew you two would get married. I'm really happy for you both." He smiles.

"Thanks Haymitch. I was wondering if you'd like to give me away, because you're like my father really." I ask him

"Oh Katniss, I'd be honoured to." He says with tears in his eyes.

I smile and say, "Thanks Haymitch, we better be off though."

"Okay sweetheart, see you both and congratulations!" He says.

"Thanks Haymitch." We both say as we leave.

When we get home we get home we eat lunch, then start planning the wedding.

I'm so excited!

"Okay so who do you want to invite?" Peeta asks, sitting next to my at the table with a pen and paper.

"Well, Haymitch and Effie of course. Annie and her 4 year old son Finn, Johanna and her boyfriend Mitch, Delly and her husband Ansel and her 4 year old daughter Ivy, Gale and his wife Rose and their 2 year old twin boys, Hunter and Noah, Beetee, Marco and Iris (Peeta employees at the bakery) Thom and his wife Flora and their daughter 1 year old daughter Calla. Pollux and his wife Fleur and their 9 year old daughter Bryony. Oh, and Paylor and Plutarch. Is that everyone?" I say.

(Katniss' mother died a few years ago from a disease.)

"Uh, yeah I think so." He says "We'll send the invites out tomorrow." He says.

I nod, "Okay, who do you want for your maid of honour and bridesmaids?" Peeta asks me.

"Uh, I was thinking Effie for my maid of honour and Johanna, Annie and Iris as my bridesmaids, oh and Ivy as my flower girl." I say, I have gotten close to Iris since I'm always at the bakery with Peeta.

"Yeah, that sounds good, I was thinking Marco for my best man." He says.

"Okay, I thought we could have Finn as the ring bearer too." I say.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing." He says.

I smile and kiss him.

"I'm so excited now, I can't wait to be Mrs Mellark!"

"I can't wait either!" He says with a smile and kisses me passionately.


I'll try and update the today!

Love you and may the odds be ever in your favour!


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