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Wednesday, 18th March

"Peeta, do you have my morning sickness tablets?" I shout to him from upstairs as I pack

the last of my clothes.

"Yeah! Come on the hovercraft is going to be here soon!" He shouts back to me from downstairs.

Today is the day we are going to the Capitol, the day I have been dreading is finally here. The place that streets were the grave yards for so many of the people I loved.

Although I'm terrified to go back there, I'm more scared for Peeta. The Capitol was where he was tortured and hijacked, so I can almost guarantee something is going to trigger a flashback, and I'm terrified for him.

"Honey the hovercraft is here!" Peeta shouts up to me, breaking my train of thought.

"Okay, two seconds." I shout, and begin zipping up my tightly packed suitcase. I don't usually have a lot of luggage but being pregnant means I have all the extra clothes and


I pick up my heavy suitcase and make my way out of the room. "Katniss what are you doing?" Peeta says, walking up the stairs. Before I have chance to answer he is at the top of the stairs. "Katniss, you should have called me. You could have hurt yourself." he says, taking the suitcases out of my hands. "I'm fine Peeta, stop worrying so much!" I say because ever since I told him I was pregnant he has been even more protective of me. "I'm sorry I just don't want you or our baby to get hurt." He says, placing one of his hands on my abdomen. "We are fine Peeta, I promise." I say with a smile, placing my hand on top of his.

We both walk onto the hovercraft, and it's nothing like the ones we rode during the games and rebellion. It's got everything! Bedrooms, dining rooms, TV rooms. It's huge, Even though we are only on here for an 3 hours. Peeta leads me to our room and although It's small and simple, It's cosy.

I jump straight onto the bed and motion for Peeta to join me. He lays on the bed next to me and pulls me closer to him, resting one of his hands on my abdomen. Even though there is only a very tiny bump, Peeta seems to have an obsession with resting his hands on it, but it's sweet. Anyone can tell how amazing he is going to be at being a father.

"Have you thought about names yet?" He asks me, placing a soft kiss on my temple. To tell the truth I have been thinking about names actually. "Yeah I have actually, have you?" I ask him. "Yeah, I like Rye if it's a boy and Hazel if it's a girl. What do you think?" He says, stroking my hair. "I like Aster and Willow. But I think I prefer Rye for a boy." I say. "Okay, so Rye if It's a boy and I like Willow too, so Willow if It's a girl?" He asks. I sit up and look him in the eyes. "Perfect." I whisper and press my lips to his. We break away and I snuggle back into him and he wraps his arms around me again.

I glance over to look at the clock and it reads 3.30, so we should get to the Capitol at about 6 o'clock. This pregnancy is making me feel tired constantly and I can feel my eyelids closing slowly. "Peeta I'm tired." I whisper tiredly, getting comfy next to him. "Go to sleep." He says softly, stroking my hair. I feel myself drifting away and I fall into darkness.

I wake up to someone whispering my name and shaking my shoulder lightly. "Katniss, wake up sweetie" the voice says and then I realise It's Peeta. I let my eyes flutter open and I'm greeted by my husbands gorgeous face. "We're here sweetie." He says, gathering our bags together. I get up from the bed and take his hand, following him out of the room.

We step off the hovercraft and we both get into the car that will take us to our hotel. Thankfully Peeta made sure we weren't staying at the training centre because that would just be too painful for the both of us.

It was only a short 10 minute drive to our hotel and when we get there teenagers swarm the outside, screaming and lifting up banners with our names on. "Peeta what's happening?" I ask him nervously. "We must still me quite famous here." He says, slightly confused.

"There will be security to escort you into the hotel, don't worry." The driver tells us and I let out a sigh of relief. "Please don't leave me." I whisper to Peeta and grab his hand. "I'm not going anywhere Katniss, don't worry." The security guard opens the car door and the screams of Capitol teenagers fill my ears. Peeta get's out of the car first, and I follow closely behind, ducking my head.

All I can hear are screams and shouts like 'I love you Katniss and Peeta' and 'Peeta your gorgeous.' They better keep their hands off him, because he's my husband.

Somehow our security guards keep them back from attacking Peeta and I so we can get inside the hotel in one piece. We finally get inside and the hotel is very Capitol but it's sweet. The receptionist leads us to our room and when we step inside we are greeted with a huge bouquet of flowers with a note attached. I walk over to the flowers and pick up the note. "What does it say?" Peeta asks me and I begin reading it to him.

"Mr and Mrs Mellark,

We hope you had a safe journey here and that your hotel requires your needs. Vennia, Octavia and Flavius will be arriving at your room at 10.00am to get you both ready for your interview which will begin at 2.00pm. We hope very much your trip to the Capitol is enjoyable and our best wishes go out to you both.

President Paylor and Plutarch Heavensbee."

Peeta doesn't say andthing he just nods. I know we haven't been here for long but he's been different since we came here, really quiet. I know this is hard for him because this was where he got tortured by snow so I'm trying my best to be here for him like he is for me.

"Come on, we should go to bed. We've got a big day tomorrow." I say, holding onto his hand. He just nods again and I notice his hands and shaking slightly, I look up at him worriedly but he just gives me a small smile. I decide not to ask him what is wrong though just in case I make things worse.

We both walk into the bedroom and I go straight into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Once I'm done I run my fingers through my wavy hair and step out of the bathroom, and Peeta walks in to brush his teeth in his boxers. I dig through my suitcase until I find one of Peeta's old t-shirts and put it on and climb under the sheets and wait for Peeta.

Peeta walks out of the bathroom and gets straight into bed, wrapping his strong arms around me. I sit up and look him dead in the eyes, his blue orbs staring back at my grey ones. "Are you okay?" I ask him seriously. "Yeah I'm okay. Just a little shaken up being back here, that's all." He says, smiling slightly. I can tell there's more to that but I don't want to push him. I lift my hand and stroke his cheek slightly. "I know. It'll be okay." I say and reach up to kiss his softly.

We both lay back down, not letting go of one and other and fall into a nightmare filled sleep.


I have no idea why this chapter took me so long to write. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it, comment, vote, share! Thank you so so much for reading my story and giving me really lovely feedback it means the world! Love you all and may the odds be ever in your favour.

Megan x


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