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August 15th

'Six months pregnant, only three months left.' It's all I can think as I puke into the toilet. I can't wait to get my babies out of me!

I slowly make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen where Peeta has left me pancakes. I hate Thursdays when Peeta is at the bakery all day. He only goes there on Thursdays and Mondays and I hate them days. I never tell him though because if I did he would stop going and I know how much he loves going to his bakery.

I finish my pancakes and go upstairs to get ready. I step into the shower, letting the warm water run over my body. I rest my hands on my abdomen when they begin to kick. They always kick when I shower, I think they like the warm water. They decide to go on a kicking spree as they are all still kicking violently when I am dressed and making my way downstairs.

I make myself a hot chocolate and just as I'm walking into the living room there is a knock at the door. I walk over to the door, the hot chocolate warming my hands, and when I open it my mug almost goes crashing to the floor when I recognize the faces.

It's Peeta family. His mother, his father but only his eldest brother, Max.

I freeze completely, worried that it's not them and my hormones are making me see things. Nobody knows what to say but then Peeta's father speaks.

"Sorry, Katniss. We thought this was Peeta's house."

I don't know how I get the words out, but I finally say, "Oh, this is his house. We live together now."

They all look dumbfounded, then all of their eyes land on my stomach, probably putting two and two together by guessing I'm carrying Peeta's baby.

The silence begins to drag so I move out of the door way and say, "Come in, Peeta shouldn't be too long."

They all walk in and sit on the couch awkwardly. I'm still in shock. I mean, how on earth did they survive? Although I want to know, I feel like I shouldn't ask and leave Peeta to.

I'm surprised when Max speaks up. "So Katniss, are you and Peeta dating?"

"We are married actually and expecting triplets." I say with a sort of breathy laugh, rubbing my stomach.

They look at me like I'm some sort of inhuman creature. I nod my head, "I know."

"Wow." Peeta's father says. "How long have you two been married?"

"We got married last year." I smile.

They nod and he asks "How far along are you? Do you know the genders?"

"I'm six months, and we are having two boys and a girl."

They all nod their heads and it goes silent again. "Oh sorry, do you want a cup of tea or coffee or anything?"

Peeta's parents ask for a cup of tea so I go into the kitchen and boil the kettle. I'm pouring the milk into the tea when I hear Peeta walk through the door. "Katni-" He calls and I'm assuming he got cut off by his family sat in front of him.

I walk back into the living room to see Peetas reaction but I only catch a glimpse of him before he runs back through the front door.

"Peeta!" I call but he's already gone. I want to run after him but it's impossible with my tummy. I turn to Peeta's family and tell them to stay here while I make my way to the only place Peeta would have gone, the bakery.

When I reach the bakery it's pitch black, not a single light turned on. I walk in and it's silent. I make my way towards the office and I notice Peeta, slumped against the wall.

"Peeta?" I say softly.

I bend down slowly and sit on the floor next to him. "Are you okay?"

He doesn't reply, just bursts out into tears.

I pull him close and let him cry into my chest. I stroke his blonde curls and kiss his head softly, whispering soothing things into his ear.

He stops crying after a while and just lays his head on my chest. "What's wrong?" I whisper, softly.

There's silence then he says, "I don't know. I guess it was just a shock, seeing them. I mean, they were dead!"

I don't know how to reply but my babies do. They start kicking, all three of them. I smile and turn to Peeta. "They don't like it when their daddy is upset." I whisper.

A big smile spreads across his face and he rests his hands on my abdomen.

We sit there for a while in silence hugging each other, all five of us.

"I suppose we better go and see them." Peeta says.

We leave the bakery and head home.


I only realised the other day that I hadn't updated in almost two months and I'm so so sorry!! I will start updating more frequently I promise. Thanks for reading, voting and commenting. Love you all and May the Odds be Ever in your Favour!

-Megan x

Twitter - @peetasbread7

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