Birthday Party

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22nd June.

I stare into the mirror at my five month pregnant stomach. Most women would only be starting to show by now but as I'm having triplets my stomach is almost twice the size! Peeta says I look as beautiful as ever but he would say that, it's Peeta!

I wanted to look nice for Hunter and Noah's third birthday party this afternoon but hardly any of my clothes fit me any more. I eventually find a long flowing skirt that Fleur persuaded me to buy a few weeks ago, and put on a black cami top. I am now surprisingly glad that I bought the skirt as is fits nicely with my bump and covers my swollen ankles.

I sit on the edge of our bed attempting to pull on my sandals when Peeta walks into the room looking extremely handsome in black jeans and a grey shirt with the top button done up. I can't help but smile at the fact that this is the man I will spend the rest of my life with

and will father my children.

He kneels on the floor in front of me and slips on my sandals for me. "Thank you. I can't do anything any more being so fat." I say, staring down at my stomach.

"You're not fat Katniss. Your pregnant!" He says, helping me stand up. He looks me up and down and then smiles brightly. "You look gorgeous."

"You don't look half bad." I say with a smirk.

"Come on, it's almost three thirty." He says, grabbing the presents from the table and wrapping an arm around my waist and helping me down the stairs.

Gale and Rose only live a few houses away in the Victors Village so it doesn't take long to get there.

The door is already wide open so Peeta and I walk in. The house is decorated with banners, balloons and the cake that Peeta made for them sits on the table. Gale jogs over to us with Noah in his arms. "Hey!"

"Hi!" I say, stroking Noahs cheek.

"Come in, everyone is out back." Gale says, leading us out. We walk outside and are greeted by Haymitch, Effie, Pollux, Fleur, Bryony, Johanna, Mitch and of course Rose and Hunter. Also, Annie, Finn, Delly, Ansel and Ivy.

Effie runs up to Peeta and I with open arms and embracing me as best as she can with my huge stomach.

"Look at you!" She exclaims, with her arms on my waist looking at me up and down. "It's only been two weeks and you have gotten so big!"

"Tell me about it!" I say, with a laugh.

I feel Peeta squeeze my hand slightly and he says, "She still looks beautiful though."

"You two are too sweet!" Effie says, smiling brightly.

"How are my grandchildren doing then?" Haymitch says, walking over and standing next to Effie.

"They're fine! Moving around and kicking non-stop though." I say, exhausted from not having a good nights sleep in weeks.

"They can't wait to get out and meet their grandpa Haymitch!" Haymitch says, excitedly.

"We've decided on names for them." Peeta says.

"Oh, what are they? I've been so excited to know!" Effie squeals.

I look to Peeta and he nods, signalling for me to reveal them. "The girl is going to be called Willow and the boys, Rye and Aster."

"Willow, Rye and Aster!" Effie says. "They are so adorable!"

"I like them. My three sweethearts!" Haymitch laughs.

I smile at the difference Peeta and I have made on Haymitchs life. When we first met him he was a depressed alcoholic who had pretty much given up on life. Now, with the games gone, Peeta and I married and expecting triplets he is a totally different person. He has stopped drinking completely to be a good role model for our children and is happy almost all of the time. I'm pretty sure Haymitch would be dead by now if non of this had happened.

Haymitch and Effie go to talk to the others and Peeta and I are left alone. I turn to Peeta and whisper, "Can we go and sit down, my back is killing me."

He nods and wraps an arm around my waist. We walk together over to the table which Annie, Delly and Ansel are sitting at.

"Hey." Annie exclaims, smiling brightly.

"Hey!" Peeta replies.

"Okay you two. I have been thinking about this for weeks." Delly says, eagerly. "Do you know the names yet?"

I laugh at her eagerness and tell her, "Yeah, Peeta and I decided yesterday actually." ]

"Oh my gosh! Come on, tell me, tell me!"

I let Peeta tell them this time so he speaks up. "Willow for the girl, and Rye and Aster for the boys."

Annie and Delly both let out aww's and cues.

"They are beautiful names Katniss!" Annie says.

Delly, Annie and I talk about babies for a while and Peeta and Ansel talk about other things as they get bored.

After we all eat food and sing happy birthday to the twins, I start to feel dizzy and queasy. "Peeta, could we head home? I'm not feeling too good." I whisper into his ear.

"Yeah of course honey. Are you okay?" He asks, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand.

I nod slightly. "Yeah, just tired that's all."

Peeta tells Gale that we are heading off and we wish a happy birthday to Noah and Hunter and head home.


I AM SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN LIKE 4/5 WEEKS!! Please forgive me! I have just started back school and I'm so stressed with homework and everything, I am so sorry! I have made a promise to myself to update at least once a week now. Again I am so sorry and thank you for sticking with me and voting and commenting, IT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME.


Love you all and May the Odds be Ever in your Favour!!

Megan x

Twitter - @peetasbread7

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