Prep Team

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Thursday, 19th March

I glance over to the clock next to me, that reads '2.00am.' I decide to give up trying to get back to sleep because it's useless. I leave a small kiss on Peetas forehead and walk into our 'kitchen.' I open the small fridge to see if there's anything in there and to my surprise it's full of food. My eyes scan the fridge until they come across cheese buns. My eyes light up and I take one and walk over to the couch. I begin picking away at my cheese bun when I hear an all too familiar voice scream my name. As soon as I turn around to face the bedroom door I see a relieved looking Peeta standing in the door way, glowing from the sweat running across his body.

I get up quickly and run up to him, wrapping my arms around his shaking body. "Nightmare?" I question him, and I feel him nod against my shoulder. I kiss his head and stroke his hair in attempt to calm him down but it doesn't work. "Do you want to talk about?" I ask him and he nods again, and we walk over to the couch.

He wraps his arms around me and I lean my head on his chest and he begins speaking. "We were just like we were last night and we went to sleep, but when I woke up in the middle of the night you were gone. I couldn't find you, until I went out onto the balcony and saw you hung there by a rope and Snow was standing there next to you, laughing. The words 'Are you, are you. Coming to the tree' were wrote on the wall in blood." He says slowly and shakily. If I'm honest his nightmare has really freaked me out. The Hanging

Tree. How would he know about that song? Why would it be in his nightmare?

I don't say anything, I just nod. Peeta must notice my expression because he tells me "It was only a dream Katniss, It's okay." I know it was only a dream but it has really shaken me up. "We should go back to bed, it's only 2.30." I say, getting up from the couch. Peeta nods and we both go back to bed and fall into a more peaceful sleep.

I wake up to small squeals and whispers, my prep team. I decide not to open my eyes just yet, and savour some time in Peeta's arms before I enter the word of waxing, dresses and make-up. "Look how protective he is of her, it's obvious how much he loves her." Flavius coos and I can't help but smile. They must notice the smile on my face as they start laughing, "Katniss we know your awake" Octavia giggles. I open my eyes and lift my head from Peeta's chest. After everything that has happened over the years my prep team hasn't changed one bit. Octavia is still sporting her pea green skin, Flavius his orange corkscrew curls and Venia her gold tattoos above her eyebrows.

Peeta must be woken up by the squeals of my prep team too as his eyes flutter open. "Okay now both of you are finally up, we have to get you both ready for your interview at 2.00pm, we are already running late, its 10.30am!" Flavius says, practically pulling us out of bed. "Okay, okay I'm coming." I say, getting up. "Okay, Peeta your with me and Katniss your with Venia and Octavia. Come on!"

Peeta plants a quick kiss on my lips and leaves to follow Flavius. "Come on Katniss, first we need to get you shaved, we aren't going to wax because your only doing one interview." Venia says, walking into the bathroom where everything is set up. I quietly thank them for not putting me through the utter torture of waxing. They make me strip down to just my underwear and gasp when they see me. "What?" I ask them. I follow their eyes and I realise they are staring at my stomach and they don't know that I'm pregnant. "Katniss, are you.." Venia asks. "Yeah, I'm pregnant" I say, not being able to hide the smile creeping onto my face."Oh my gosh Katniss!" They both scream, engulfing me in an enormous hug.

Once they both calmed down they shaved me until every hair on my body have been removed, took me back to 'beauty base zero' and left my hair alone, letting it's natural waves flow over my shoulders. I'm thankful the days of, full body waxing and painting on my make-up are over.

Venia walks into the room with what I assume as my dress but I can't see it as it's covered up. "Katniss, this was one of Cinnas designs. He never actually made it, but we re-created it with the help of his sketches." Venia says. I have to hold back the tears of his name because the images of him getting ripped apart by peacekeepers flashes through my mind.

Octavia unzips the the bag and uncovers the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It was so obvious Cinna designed it, if it was any other stylist they would have made me a neon pink dress covered in sequins and ruffles. It was pale pink and strapless, and flowed nicely to the floor, it was so simple, but so perfect.

"It's gorgeous" I say, overwhelmed by it's beauty. "Isn't it? It's so you, Katniss." Venia says, admiring the dress. "Try it on!" Octavia squeals not being able to wait any longer.

I drop my rope and the both help me into the dress. Once it's on they both gasp, "You look amazing Katniss." they breathe, staring at me like a mother would on their childs first day of school. Octavia comes over to me, taking my hands and looking me in the eyes, "You are going to make such an amazing mother Katniss, I'm so proud of you and I know Cinna is too." She says, chocking back a sob when she says his name. "Thank you." I whisper. Octavia couldn't stop the flow of tears staining her pea green skin, so Venia tried to calm her down.

I remember before the Quarter Quell when my prep team were saying goodbye to me Octavia and Flavius had to leave the room because they were too upset, so Venia had to finish, she had always been the strong one. I had always admired how even though you could tell she was holding back the tears, she would never show her emotions, she would put it in her work, just like Cinna.

"Come on then Katniss, Peeta will be waiting it's almost 1.30 and we have to get you there for 2.00pm" Venia says, leading me out to the living room in our hotel room. Octavia, Venia and I walk into the living room, where Peeta and Flavius are waiting. As soon as I walk in Peeta looks up, towards me. His jaw drops to floor, I giggle and walk over to him giving him peck on the lips. He is wearing a plain grey suit and he looks so handsome. "Oh my gosh" He whispers so quietly, I barely hear it. "What?" I ask, laughing slightly. "You! You look so beautiful!" He says. I feel my cheeks heat up, but Peeta only smiles at me.

"Come on then you too, we are going to be late, there is a car waiting for you outside." Flavius says.

Here we go again..


Sorry it was kind of crappy, the interview will be the next chapter. Do you like the way I set the writing out? I can change it if anyone doesn't, I just don't know if it's easy to read or hard, so please let me know! Comment with any feedback you have! Thanks for reading:)

Megan x

Twitter- @peetasbread7

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