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I wake up with a start. I assume I've had a nightmare as I am soaked in my own sweat but I have no memory of a nightmare and I didn't wake anyone up with my screams. When I look down, I realise it's not sweat I'm covered in, it is blood. My own blood.

I start panicking and my breathing gets so heavy I can't bring my self to call for help. I finally find my voice and scream "Haymitch" at the top of my lungs as tears fall down my face in fear of my babies.

I keep screaming and hold onto my stomach, trying in some way to comfort them; and myself. I hear Haymitch stumbling across the hallway and he bursts into my room.

He looks over to me and I look up at him, my face pleading and I feel so useless.

"Katniss, Katniss." He says, getting me to look at him. "What happened? Are you in any pain?"

It only now occurs to me that I'm not feeling any physical pain. "I don't know. I woke up like this. No, I'm not in any pain." I stutter.

"Okay, sweetheart. Stay here and don't move. I'm going to call an ambulance." Haymitch says but when he reaches for the phone I remember about Peeta.

"No, Haymitch wait! I want Peeta. Get Peeta first, please." I say, single tears turning into sobs.

He nods and runs out of the room to get Peeta.

I wait for what feels like an eternity for Peeta to get here. I do what Haymitch told me to do. Not moving, only rocking gently, clinging onto my stomach like somebody might take it

away. They might have already taken my babies.

I know Peeta is here when the front door slams open and his usual footsteps run up the stairs and he bursts into the room. I look up at him and he rushes over to me. The one thing I need right now is his arms around me. I pull him down onto the bed and he wraps his

arms me and I cry into his chest.

"The ambulance is on its way." Haymitch tells us and says he is going to wait downstairs.

Peeta whispers soothing words into my ear but I feel his own tears fall onto my back.

I pull back and take a look at him. Bags under his eyes, I doubt he slept at all even though his blonde curls are all over the place.

The ambulance arrives shortly after and the doctors lift me onto a stretcher and carry me into the ambulance. Peeta stays with me the whole time which I am grateful for because he knows how much I hate hospitals.

When we arrive at the hospital the nurses wheel me into an examination room. Even with my pleading and crying they won't allow Peeta to come with me.

I lay on the hospital bed for at least an hour while they gave me some sort of vaginal examination which was extremely uncomfortable and an ultrasound scan. The longer I lay on the hospital bed, the more terrified I become. The minutes that go by are torture.

I lay staring at the ceiling, trying to ignore the taste of vomit in my mouth. When the door to my room opens, my head shoots up and there are no words to describe how thankful I am to see Peeta's face.

I reach my hand out to him and he takes it and places a kiss on it. "I'm so scared, Peeta."

He nods. "I know, me too. It will be okay though, Katniss. I promise."

I can't stop the tears from falling so I leave them fall as I stare into Peeta's piercing blue eyes. Looking into his eyes remind me of yesterdays argument and the pain in his eyes when I said those awful things to him.

"I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean any of it, I was just angry." I say, not looking away from his eyes.

He shakes his head. "You've got nothing to apologise for, what I said was wrong. Don't go worrying about that, okay?"

I am about to answer when one of the doctors walks through the door. Peeta squeezes my hand as I begin to dread what he has to say.

"We have your test results back, and it wasn't anything serious. Yourself and all three babies are healthy." He says. The relief I feel is blinding, I even feel like laughing but I know this isn't the time.

"So, what was it then? Why was she bleeding?" Peeta asks.

"Mrs Mellark had cervical ectropion. It's quite common in the later stages of pregnancy and is usually brought on by stress." The doctor says.

"Thank you so much." I say.

"No problem. You are discharged, you just need to sign the papers before you leave at reception." He says and walks out.

"You're okay." Peeta says, almost in a whisper,

I nod. "And so are they."


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-Megan x

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