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Katniss POV

July 2nd.

Peeta and I walk out of our house, hand in hand towards Haymicth's house. Haymitch weirdly invited us both over to his house for lunch, he's probably trying to bribe us into doing something.

We let ourselves into Haymitch's house, as he never bothers to lock the door, and find Haymitch in the kitchen.

"Hi Haymitch." I shout to him, sitting down next to Peeta on the couch in the living room.

"Hey sweetheart." He shouts back, walking into the living room and sitting on the chair in the corner of the room.

"After seven years of knowing each other you have never invited us over for lunch, so what do you want?" I say, jokingly. "And if it's to ask us to reconsider the names of our children and call one Haymitch the answer is no."

Peeta sniggers and Haymitch lets out a light chuckle. "I don't want anything sweetheart, just thought I'd invite you both over to see how your doing."

"Yeah, okay." I say with a smirk.

"Foods ready anyway." Haymitch says getting up and leading us into the kitchen.

Peeta and I sit down and Haymitch brings over a meal of lamb and new potatoes.

"Fair play Haymitch, I expected a ready meal with a loaf of bread that I brought you over last week." Peeta jokes.

"Don't get cocky now, bread boy. Just because you can cook, I'm not actually that bad."

I take a bite of the lamb, because I'm so hungry, and it's actually really good. "He's right, it's not half bad actually, Haymitch. I have to give it to you."

"I didn't ever think I would see the day that Katniss Mellark gives me a compliment." Haymitch says, pretending to act shocked.

"Shut up!" I say, and we all end up laughing.

All through lunch Haymitch kept looking towards our house and checking the clock. This is the sixth time in five minutes he has checked his watch. Peeta must have noticed it too as he says, "Haymitch, what's wrong with you?"

"What, me? I'm fine, why?" Haymitch, stutters.

We have also been sitting at this table for a long time and I'm surprised Haymitch hasn't told us to go home yet.

"You just seem a bit, on edge. That's all." Peeta says.

We sit for a while longer, Haymitch trying to make conversations, even though we have talked about everything about twice. He checks the clock once more then gets up awkwardly and says, "Well you two better be getting home, I bet you have lots to do."

"Yeah, thanks for lunch." I smile, weirdly. Peeta says the same and when we are about to leave Haymitch stops us.

"I'll walk you home, make sure you both get there okay." Haymitch smiles.

"Haymitch it's across the street, we'll be okay." Peeta says, laughing.

"No, no. It's fine, better safe than sorry." He says, shoving us out of the door.

We reach our house, literally seconds later and when I open the front door we are greeted with screams and shouts from our friends saying "Happy baby shower!"

A huge smile spreads across my face immediately and when I turn to Peeta he is smiling too. There are banners and balloons everywhere along with food and a big cake. I turn around to see Haymitch laughing and push him jokingly for messing with us.

Effie runs out from behind everyone and grabs mine and Peetas hands pulling us into the house.

"Effie planned it all! We have been setting up all morning while you two were at Haymitch's house!" Annie says, smiling.

"Thank you. It looks amazing!" I say.

Everyone wonders of, talking, eating, laughing. "Thank you so much Effie." Peeta says.

"Oh don't worry about it, I just can't wait to meet them!" Effie says, touching my stomach softly.

"And they can't wait to meet their grandma." I say, smiling.

"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to being called 'grandma'" Effie laughs. "I better go make sure everything is in order! Lets just hope Johanna isn't trying to strangle Haymitch again!"

Haymitch and Johannas personalities have always seem to 'clash'.

After a couple of hours Effie decides it's time for the presents. We all gather in the living room, and Venia, Octavia and Flavius give us their presents first. They all give us a baby bouncer, Venia gives a green one, Flavius a blue and Octavia a pink.

"Aster, Rye and Willow all get one each!" Octavia smiles.

"Thank you all so much!" I say and Peeta nods.

Annie and Finn give their present next. They give us loads of baby clothes with little seashells and fish on them. We thank them both and Thom and Flora give us their present. They give us a variety of teethers and rattles, again we thank them.

Over all we get, a baby monitor with a camera on it so we can see the triplets when we are not in the room from Beetee, play blocks and toys from Delly and Ansel, Gale and Rose get us a baby play mat, teddy bears and soft toys from Johanna and Mitch, Pollux and Fleur get us more baby clothes, Marco gets us a giant teddy bear and Iris gives us some toys.

Haymitch comes over next and gives me a bag. I open it and pull out three tiny jumpsuits, a pink one saying 'Sweetheart 2', a green one saying 'Sweetheart 3' and a blue one saying 'Sweetheart 4.' I can't help but laugh at the adorableness. "Thank you Haymitch!" I laugh, their so cute!

Effie is last to give us her present. I open the box and it's a cot mobile. "Press the button!" Effie instructs me and I do and it starts playing Deep In The Meadow.

"Thank you so much Effie! It's wonderful!" I say, gratefully.

Everybody leaves not long after, and we thank everyone for coming and for the gifts. Peeta and I head up to bed as it's quite late and I am really tired.

I lay my head on my usual spot of Peetas chest, listening to the soothing sound of his heart beat.

"I can't wait to meet them now. Our children Katniss!" Peeta says, kissing the top of my head.

I smile at the thought of 'our children.'

"Me either. Our children."


Thank you for all of the lovely comments on my last chapter, it means the world to me!! Thanks all for voting:) Love you all and May the Odds be Ever in your Favour!

Megan x

Twitter - @peetasbread7

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