This is our life now

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It has been over a year since the triplets were born. 1 year, Two months and seventeen days to be exact. Even though they are still only one, Peeta and I can already see which traits they have all picked up from us. Willow is like Peeta. She is very outgoing and loves everybody, which is odd as when she was a baby she would only let me or Peeta hold her. When Peeta is baking she always sits in her high chair next to him, playing with some dough he had given her. Aster is more like me. He doesn't trust people straight away and is only comfortable with other people when me or Peeta are in the room with him. He is also fascinated by the woods because when we walk through the woods to get to the lake he starts shouting 'twees' or 'gween' in his little baby voice. However, Rye is a mix of both Peeta and I. He enjoys the woods as well as painting and drawing, he's not bad for a one year old! Although he is very mischievous and cunning; Peeta and I don't really know where he's got that from.

The triplets were very early when they started talking. The boys said their first words only one week after Willow. Aster said mama and Rye said 'Hay' which was very confusing at first until he said it again pointing to Haymitch. Personally, I think Haymitch was teaching Rye to say Haymitch and that's why he said it, but Haymitch is still in denial, claiming that it was a complete coincidence.

It has been a very busy few months for everyone else too. Delly gave birth to a baby boy named Ezra on July 29th. Delly and Ansel are thrilled and Ivy is loving being a big sister. Peeta's brother, Max, moved in with his girlfriend, Elia, a few months ago and they seem really happy. The biggest thing that has happened though is Haymitch and Effie's engagement! They told us last week and they both are really happy to be getting married on

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