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"Johanna, what's happened?" Peeta says into the phone.

"Look, don't freak out okay? Fleur, Pollux and Bryony have been in a car crash." She says, her voice trembling. "We don't know much yet. Fleur and Bryony are stable for now but.. Pollux is in a critical condition and his heart failed twice. You really need to get back here."

I tighten my grip on Peeta's hand as memories of the Quarter Quell flash through my head when Peeta's heart failed, too.

Peeta finds his voice again, although it trembles as he speaks. "We'll be on the first train back."

The line goes dead and Peeta and I sit in silence, clinging to each other.

"I'll go and get the children. Can you pack our things?" I say, getting up from the bed and heading into the triplets' room.

I don't bother changing them. I only wrap them all up in their coats and boots and strap them into the pram. Then gathering their toys and blankets from around the room and putting them into a bag. Once I return to our room I find Peeta zipping up the suitcase.

"The next train is in thirty minutes. I've called for a car to take us to the train station." He says, walking over to us with the suitcase. "Come on."


Due to the short notice, we only get two seats on the train. I hold Willow and Rye close to me on my lap and Peeta holds Aster.

We don't talk on the train ride home. Too scared to talk about the horrors that have occurred in the past hours because talking about it makes it real. I am not ready for it to be real.

As I stare out of the window, watching the blurred trees whiz by in front of my eyes I let myself think. Only think though because I am not ready to talk. I run through my head every act of kindness that was given to me by Pollux, Fleur and Bryony. One year after the war, I was still struggling to come to terms with the life I had to continue. Pollux found me in the meadow and reassured me that living the rest of my life in love and happiness with Peeta is what Prim, my father, Finnick, Cinna and every other innocent life that was taken, would have wanted. The days in my pregnancy where Peeta was at the bakery and I would struggle with the realisation of having three totally dependant babies to take care of, Fleur would persuade me that having children with Peeta would be the best decision I ever make. She was totally right and I have never looked back. Finally, Bryony. The sweet eleven year old who came to visit Peeta in the hospital after his accident in District 4. After seeing me break down multiple times during her visits she comforted me, letting me know that everything was going to be okay. Such a simple gesture, but it is what I need most during those days; reassurance. The kindness that was given to me by that family give me hope.

I am broken out of my train of thought as Peeta reaches over to hold my hand. His fingers lace through mine gently and he leans over to kiss my temple.

"It will be okay, you know." He whispers, then leans his forehead on my shoulder and I lay my head on his head. "They're strong, they will make it. They have been through far too much for their lives to end this way."

"I hope so." I say, attempting to shadow my fear with hope because hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

Willow, Rye and Aster are fast asleep in our arms. Peeta's head still rests on my shoulder and due to his slow breaths I assume he has fallen asleep too, so I let myself fall into sleep like my family.


"It has been hours, why haven't we heard anything?" Johanna asks as she paces up and down the hospital waiting room.

It's 5am and Peeta, the triplets and I got back to District 12 a few hours ago. Peeta and I had two hours sleep on the train and the fatigue is quickly affecting my concentration. Rye and Aster are fast asleep in my arms but Willow woke up an hour ago and is very agitated and won't settle. Being out of her own bed when we got to District 10 freaked her out, so I can't imagine how she is feeling now.

Willow's cries begin to increase and Peeta and I are about to take the triplets home when a doctor appears. Everyone in the waiting room goes quiet and Willow even stops crying as we stare at the doctor with pleading eyes.

"I'm sorry to keep you all waiting, it has been a very difficult night. Miss Bryony Langston came out of surgery a few minutes ago and everything went well, it is the best we can ask for at this point." He says and everyone lets out sighs of relief. However, I notice that the doctor is not yet finished speaking and the look on his face shows that it is not good news; I would know that look anywhere, I have seen it way too many times. "Although, I am deeply sorry to have to share this news with you. Mr Pollux Langston and Mrs Fleur Langston did not survive surgery due to blood clots in the brain. I am deeply sorry, we did everything we could." Then he leaves the room and everyone is left staring at the swinging door.

Annie is the first to react with a muffled sob as she cries into her sweatshirt. She is soon joined by other sobs and cries. Reality doesn't hit me until Peeta squeezes my hand he is clinging to. When I turn to look at him, there is a look of disbelief along with tears streaming down his face. I then let everything go and cry into Peeta's chest as he cries into my shoulder.

Johanna is the first to say anything. Johanna of course does not react to devastating news with sobs. Johanna reacts with anger. "They don't deserve this. Everything they both went through to get to the safe reality we live in and now they are dead! They're dead! Snow is dead but he is still controlling us! The devastation is still happening, I thought it was over!" She screams to the blue walls that reflect our tear stained faces.

Mitch rises to calm down Johanna and she is soon sobbing in her boyfriend's arms. Of course Johanna is right though. Snow is still a part of us, and always will be a part of us, dead or alive.

An hour later we all retreat to our homes to mourn the deaths of our loved ones. It is 8am when we get home and Peeta puts the triplets straight to bed while I wait in our bed for him to join me. When he does, we don't talk. Just hold each other. Although, I cannot discard the fear I feel inside for my children. After today's events all I want is my family close.

"Peeta, can the triplets sleep in here with us tonight? I need them here where nobody can hurt them." I ask him.

The look on his face shows that he is feeling the same way, so we both bring them into our bed. Willow, Rye and Aster sleep between Peeta and I. Our arms lay over them and our hands join in the middle, guarding our children and each other from the devastations of the night.

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