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After we ate lunch we all sat in the living room next to the fire with hot chocolate as it was freezing.

Katniss curled up next to me on the large sofa, Haymitch sat in the old arm chair and Effie sat next to me and Katniss.

"Just like old times again." Katniss says after she finished her hot chocolate, setting the mug down on the coffee table.

"Is that a good or bad thing?" Haymitch said.

"Oh good, definitely good!" She replied.

"I didn't know you liked it when it was just us four, you always looked like you couldn't wait to get away." says a surprised Effie.

"Oh no, I liked it when it was just us four. Even though we were going to the games or being threatened by president snow, I always thought of you all as my 2nd family." Katniss said. I never expected her to say something like that!

"Aw, he's made her go all soft." Haymitch says sarcastically looking at me and Katniss.

"Aw Katniss I never new you felt that way!" Effie says, as if she was going to start crying.

"Neither did I!" I say.

"It's true, I always thought of you two as my 2nd parents." Says Katniss.

"And what was I?" I say.

"I don't know really." She says.

"Oh thanks!" I say sarcastically.

"No it's just.. I knew I loved you. I just didn't want to admit it because I was scared. So I never really thought about it." she says shyly.

Before I could say anything Haymitch butted in,

"Everyone new you loved him sweetheart. The way you looked at him and how you basically died when he got hijacked and didn't remember anything." says Haymitch as if it the most obvious thing in the world.

"Its true. I always new." Says Effie.

"At night, she wouldn't sleep. She would sit on her bed, running the pearl you gave her on the beach across her lips." Haymitch says.

Katniss just looks at Haymitch shocked.

"How do you know about that?" Katniss asks.

"Prim. I asked her to tell me how you were doing, when I wasn't there. I was terrified you were going to kill yourself." says Haymitch.

"I did think about it a few times." Katniss mumbles.

"Really? why?" I ask, shocked she would kill herself because of what happened to me.

"Because you wanted to kill me and didn't remember anything. I couldn't live with that." she says barely audible.

"Aw sweetie." says Effie sympathetically

Katniss looks slightly embarrassed.

After a pause Effie says, "I always thought of you two as my children."

"Really?" Katniss says.

Effie nods. "I cried when they announced the quarter quell, and cried myself to sleep the night you went. I couldn't watch it." Effie says, sniffling.

"I didn't know you care about us so much Effie." I say not really knowing what to think.

"Of course I care! I think the world of you both." she says wiping the tears that had fallen.

I don't know what to say I never knew we meant so much to her.

I feel Katniss leave my side and she goes to hug Effie. They are both crying hysterically.

They both pull away and wipe their tears, Effie's make up has gone everywhere!

"Better get going, gotta check on my geese." Haymitch says getting up.

"Yeah me too." Effie says getting up to.

We all hug, say goodbye and they leave.

I close the door and turn around, as Katniss hugs me tightly.

"What's wrong." I ask her

"Nothing, I just love you." she mumbles into my jumper.

"I love you too." I say into her hair. "more than anything."

Neither of us want to break away but we do when we hear the phone ring.

I go over to answer it.


"Hi it's Annie!"

"Oh hi Annie, is everything okay?"

"Yes, everything's great. I was just phoning to tell you that me and Finn, the Hawthrones, Haymitch, Pollux and his family, Johanna and Mitch, Delly and her family, Thoms family and Effie are all going to district 4 next week for 2 weeks and we will be staying in my old house on the beach. Would you and Katniss like to come with us?" Annie asks.

"Thanks for asking Annie, I'll just ask Katniss." I tell her.


I take the phone from my ear and turn to Katniss looking at me questioningly.

"Katniss, Annie is asking if we want to go to district 4 with everyone next week for two weeks and we will be staying in Annie's old house?" I ask her

"Yeah I'd love to go, do you want to?" She says smiling.

"Yeah, I'll tell her we will come."

I put the phone back to my ear where Annie's waiting.

"Yeah we'd love to come Annie, thank you! Are you sure you have enough room in your old house for us all though?" I ask

"Oh yes it was huge, to big really." she says.

"Okay thanks Annie, bye!"

"Bye Peeta!"


Peeta and I ate the rest of the stew from the other night for dinner and then went up to bed.

After I'd brushed my teeth and put on one of Peeta's old t-shirts I laid in bed and waited for Peeta.

He came out the bathroom 5 minutes later and laid down next to me wearing his boxers. I put my head on his chest and snuggle up close to him and he strokes my hair softly, kisses my head now and then.

"When we come back from district 4, if you still aren't pregnant we can make an appointment with dr kronia if you like. To see if there's anything wrong." he whispers, into my hair

I just nod, allowing a few tears to fall onto his chest. I think he notices because he says "everything will be okay Katniss. I promise."

I lift my head from his chest and look into his mesmerising blue eyes.

"I love you." I whisper

"I love you too." he whispers back.

And then we both fall into darkness.


Sorry nothing exciting happened in that chapter but I promise district 4 will be full of cliff hangers!

Serious question now! Am I a good writer, are you interested in my story?

If there's anything I can do to improve this story please tell me in the comments!

Love you all and May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour!


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