The Scan

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Wednesday, 11th June

Five Months Pregnant

I trudge down the stairs, trying to get used to my huge bump that I will be carrying around for another four months, and will soon get much bigger. I've noticed that I'm a lot bigger than most women at this stage in my pregnancy but the doctor said that it's nothing to worry about and all women are different.

I enter the kitchen and walk straight towards the stack of chocolate chip pancakes waiting for me on the table. Peetas been amazing during my pregnancy, although I new he would be. Peeta left to go to the bakery early this morning, so he could get some things done before my scan at 3.00pm. We are going to find out the gender of the baby today. Peeta and I have been debating on what it's going to be, I think a boy and Peeta thinks a girl.

I eat my pancakes, and then go to get dressed. Peeta and I went shopping a few weeks ago to get me some maternity clothes, my hunting clothes don't even fit me any more. I slide on a simple t-shirt and then lay on the bed in attempt to put my leggings on because I can't even see my toes, and after 10 minutes I finally get them on. I put on my flip flops because doing up my shoelaces takes way to much effort now. I wash my face and just leave my hair down and head to the bakery before going to the hospital with Peeta.

I walk out of the Victors Village and towards the bakery. Everything has been re-built in the District now, It has clothes shops, supermarkets, toy shops, sweet shops, baby shops. It is truly amazing how much, not just District 12 but every other District, has improved since the war. Almost every District was in ashes when the war ended, and now they are all like this.

I continue towards the bakery, trying to forgot the slight pain in my back as I walk, and enjoy the warm summer breeze.

"Aunty Katniss!" I hear a young girl shout from behind me. I turn around to see Ivy, running up to me, and Delly walking behind, smiling. Ivy reaches me and hugs my legs, since she's only four.

"Hi sweetie" I say, brushing hair dark hair away from her face. She looks up at me, pressing her hands on my stomach, looking mesmerized by the size of it. I laugh at her, and feel the baby kick. We first felt the first kick last month and I have been feeling them a lot recently.

Ivy looks startled and jumps back into her mothers arms.

"I'm sorry aunty Katniss, I didn't mean to hurt you." She says, her eyes getting teary.

"Oh no, it's okay sweetie, you didn't hurt me. It was just the baby saying hi!" I say, smiling.

She slowly emerges from her mothers arms and comes back over to me, placing her hands on my abdomen again. The baby kicks again and this time she doesn't flinch she just begins to giggle. She leans head closer to my stomach and whispers, "Hi baby, I'm Ivy."

"How are you, Katniss?" Delly asks, being her usual bubbly self, watching Ivy continue to stroke my abdomen.

"I'm okay thanks, Delly. Apart from the back pains, swollen ankles, and constantly being tired." I laugh.

"Oh I know how you feel." She says, looking at Ivy. "It's worth it in the end though." She adds, smiling.

"I better get going, Peeta and I are finding out the gender today." I say excitedly.

"Oh, good luck! Let us know when you find out!" She says, a smile plastered on her face.

Ever since we were younger, at school she had always been the happiest person. Always bubbly and excited. Sometimes she would sit next to me at lunch. Mainly because she pitied me as I was always by myself. I didn't appreciate the company though, so she would just go back to her big group of friends, which included Peeta.

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